the duel

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Harry woke early two days after the full moon to a low moan. He grabbed his glasses, crawled to the edge of his bed, and peeked through the curtains, curious to know who was making noise so early. Remus was sitting on the edge of his bed. His head was in his hands and Harry was shocked to see how pale he still was. But perhaps it was just the lighting. Remus seemed fine otherwise, unless absolute exhaustion was considered an illness. Harry was about to get up when a shadow appeared beside Remus. Harry stilled instantly, unable to recognize the man until he spoke.

"Moony, are you alright?" It was Sirius. Harry almost sighed in relief. It was still a shock to wake up in the same dorm but with different people.

Remus sighed. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing."

Another groan came from James's bed. "Man, do you have claws, Moony." He was nursing a slash on his arm. Harry grinned, knowing now why he had jumped when Sirius had touched his shoulder earlier that evening.

"Sorry, James. You know I can't help it." Remus stood and swayed on the spot. Sirius and James both rushed to him. Remus instantly pulled away. "Oh, let go. I'm alright. I can manage. I'll get my balance without your help."

"Moony, you have about as much balance as a werewolf on a broomstick." Sirius barked, chuckling quietly as Remus swayed again, his arms out like a tightrope walker. The full moon must have been a hard one to make the usually graceful werewolf stumble.

"Yeah, well you have as much logic as this bedpost." Remus snapped, grabbing onto Harry's bed, making it lurch unpleasantly, almost making Harry topple forward.

"What? I'll get you for that you mangy wolf!" Sirius laughed and leapt toward him.

Harry couldn't react fast enough. Remus and Sirius came tumbling through the curtains on his four-poster and landed right on top of him. Harry cried out as he tumbled to the floor along with them and his sheets. The boys struggled for a moment before Sirius and Remus stood. There was a sickening crack as Sirius put his foot down, resting his entire weight on Harry's right wrist. It was followed by a second crack, this time his left ankle, as Remus detangled himself. Harry, not stopping long enough to wonder how they had managed to step on the right spots to cause such damage, wriggled free of them both. They fell to the floor again with strangled yells.

Harry's momentum carried him too far. He gasped as his back made contact with his trunk. He heard everything shift inside. Peter squeaked as he fell from his bed, having just been woken up by the noise the three were making.

"Sirius, Remus! Stop, you're hurting Harry!" James yelled. There were a couple shouts and the pounding of feet then everything went quiet. Harry kept his eyes closed as James helped him up. "Hey, Harry, how many fingers am I holding up?"

Harry squinted at him. "Two."

"See, he's fine, Prongs! No worries." Sirius playfully punched Harry's arm. Harry ground his teeth together as he felt the bones shift slightly, giving a small pop from the jarring. "Come on, we have class today. We don't want to be late." Sirius took off down the stairs, a bewildered James behind him.

"Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?"

Remus laughed, all traces of exhaustion erased from his face. "Hurry up or Sirius will eat everything." He and Peter started down the stairs as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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