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Harry was reading a book sitting on his bed.
It was tiring day for Harry first dementor then imperious but it was good day too. Sirius was talking to him and he was selected as seeker and got the change to play with his father.
But he was feeling slightly different not happy but not sad too. He was thinking how it is going on in his time ?? And with this he drifted to sleep without taking out hi shoes and changing the clothes in an uneasy position. Curtains were slightly open.
He didn't notice marauders coming in dorm.
Time was 3am when marauders heard someone screeched out and wailing continuously as it was feeling intense pain and going to die. First he thought that were his thoughts but that seems so real that nobody could deny to help.Sirius got up and drew his curtains and saw Remus was too standing from his bed . They both got up and James joined them. First they saw Peter who was sleeping so peacefully as nothing was going around.So they left Peter and went to Harry's bed. Because after living together for 5 years has told them  what their mates do and not so it was obvious to them that is was Harry. But they were wondering that what  nightmare had made him shout so badly.With the shrieks of pain they can hear some jumbled words like for help or somebody's name. They went up to Harry's bed, the curtains were  opened and he was in his school uniform with shoes. He thrashing and
looked so much in pain. He was sweating like he has taken a shower.

He was mumbling something like - "it's a trap." hurts...stop it... please...
Cedric. His scar was burning like the hell. He was dying.

Marauders were scared and the same time 
James said "Harry get up it's just a nightmare"shaking him. Sirius got hold of his hands and shaking his slightly...Harry get up. And Harry sat  like a lightning. He was still sweating and struggling for air.

"Whoa, Harry. We're not going to hurt you." Remus sat in front of Harry, making the bed sink slightly. "Get him some water."

Harry pushed the water away when James offered it to him. "No," he rasped. "I'm fine."

"Fine?" Sirius roared. "Fine? You were screaming loud enough to wake up the whole bloody castle!"

"Sirius, you're not helping. Can't you see his head hurts?" Remus turned back to him with a smile on his face. "Let's put it this way, Harry. You woke up exhibit A) James the Human Chainsaw and exhibit B) Sirius the Living Undead. Does that put it in perspective for you?" Remus asked quietly, his voice like a soothing balm to Harry's aching head. Remus pressed the water into his hand again. Harry thought for a moment that his eyes were deceiving him and it wasn't a young Remus Lupin before him but the beloved Professor. He blinked and found a seventeen year-old Remus staring worriedly at him, a mixture of pity and understanding in his eyes.

Knowing Lupin would berate him later for not following his younger self's instructions, Harry lifted the cup to his mouth with a quivering hand. Water dripped down his chin and he suddenly choked on it, spilling it all over himself. His stomach was churning so badly that he couldn't even stand the water running down his throat. He placed his head in his hands, shaking so badly that the bed trembled. Harry opened his eyes again rather quickly. Each time he closed them he saw the dead man staring into his eyes, as though accusing Harry of letting him die.

Harry groaned and tried to crawl past the Marauders, but they pushed him back against his pillows. "Where do you think you're going? You're in no state to even be moving."

"I need my trunk."

Sirius opened it and poked his head around to look at him. "What am I looking for?"

Harry frowned. He could have sworn he'd locked his trunk. He prayed desperately that Sirius would follow his instructions and not root around more than necessary. "There should be a small box in the top left corner. Can I see it?"

Sirius got up and placed a small black box in Harry's lap. Harry flipped it open with trembling hands. His scar seared with pain again. Biting his lip, he rummaged through the box. It was full of small glass vials. They were filled with potions of every color.

"Harry, what exactly is this?" James asked, watching as Harry sorted through the various potions, grumbling as he put each one down.

"My personal store of potions. They're basic, but powerful. I advise you to never try to use them." Harry pulled out the smallest vial and held it up to the dim light. A small amount of black liquid swirled around inside. Harry unstoppered it and downed it in a single gulp. He screwed his eyes shut as it traced a burning path down his throat.

"Harry?" James asked, concerned that he was making such a face after the small amount of potion.

Harry's eyes snapped open. "What? I'm fine now." He replaced the vial, knowing he had to make the potion again soon. But on the positive side, his scar felt perfectly normal again. The numbing potion had done its job. He lay back down contentedly.

"What was that?" Remus asked.

"Dreamless sleep potion," Harry lied smoothly. He'd done the same to Aunt Petunia when she had asked if it was drugs. Not that it was, but he didn't need her knowing he was brewing potions in the dead of night, right under her nose.

"You have nightmares often?" Peter asked from his bed.

Harry nodded. "I had a rough childhood. Some things just don't leave you." Harry sighed. "Sorry I woke you. Go back to bed."

The guys nodded and got up, all but Sirius. He stared at Harry for a long moment before turning to his bed and whispering, "That was no dreamless sleep potion."

Harry drew his curtains closed and placed a silencing charm on them before he could say anything else. He was in for another rough year.

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