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I shook my head and let out a low sigh, shutting my door and making my way over to the bed, a yawn passing my lips. Deciding to remove my shoes and lay down, I curled up under the blankets and shut my eyes, immediately welcoming sleep.

A flame danced in front of me before taking the shape of someone sitting at a piano, the sound of the piano filling the air. I made my way over to the figure and the music stopped, the head turning slightly to reveal black, smoky eyes. My breath caught in my throat as the flames disappeared, leaving me in total darkness.

"If you can play what I was playing," A distorted voice called out, two tiny flames appearing before - oddly at the same height Isa's eyes would be at. "Then I'll tell you more about myself."

"I don't know what you were playing!"

"Figure it out."

The flames disappeared and soon the only thing I could see was the piano. I hesitantly sat down, resting my fingers on the keys and occasionally pressing the ivory keys, frowning when none of them made the same sounds as what they had played. It made me wonder if they were purposefully making the piano sound different.

"This doesn't sound like what I played." The voice teased, making me frown.

"I'm pretty sure you're changing the sound!" I called out, glaring into the darkness. "None of these keys sound like the ones you pressed."

The piano disappeared and a low growl filled the darkness, a white glove appearing and gripping my throat once again. I struggled immediately, trying to push the figure away, a soft groan leaving me when their grip tightened. After that, I was dropped to the ground and stared up at two tiny flames. A flaming mouth appeared below the two flames, making me scoot backwards.

"Don't ever make that sound when I choke you again." The voice growled, less distorted and very clearly flustered.

"Why do you sound so flustered? Not used to people making that noise when you're killing them?"

Before the flames could answer, I was woken by a loud BANG, my body jolting up in bed. My door flew open and glowing eyes appeared in the doorway, making me move to the back of my bed, pressing against the headboard. The eyes narrowed before disappearing, my door slamming shut and locking from the other side. I climbed out of bed and tried to push the door open, letting out a yelp when black smoke yanked me back to bed.

"Stay." Isa growled out, their voice next to my ear and making me shudder. "There's an intruder."

"Okay," I whispered out, glancing over at the closet when it opened. "I'm guessing you want me to hide in there?"

"Until I deal with the intruder."

"You mean kill?"

When there was no response, I simply rolled my eyes and climbed out of bed, making my way to the closet. Once inside, the closet shut and a very small flame appeared in front of me, providing just enough light for me to see where I was able to sit down. After I took a seat, the flame disappeared and I hugged my knees to my chest.

'I wonder who the intruder is. If it's Ethan Winters, they don't stand a chance. But if it's someone else, they won't have any issues.'

My door creaked open and I held my breath, faint footsteps making their way to the closet. A faint voice called out, making me tense up and press more into the corner. The footsteps stopped and turned around, rushing out of the room. I let out a low breath and relaxed before realizing the other voice could've either been Isa or someone else calling out for whomever had enter my room.

'Please be safe... You could've let me die multiple times - you've had multiple opportunities to kill me as well - so please don't die.'

After a long period of silence, I grew worried and tried to stand up, only to have something constrict and keep me in place. I nervously relaxed and closed my eyes, burying my face in my knees.

"There are two, don't move until I tell you to." Isa's voice whispered through the shadows, making me relax.

"It's so quiet..."

"For you."

"What does that mean?"

They didn't answer and I let out a soft groan, trying to figure out what they could've meant by that. 'Are they keeping the sound from me? Is that possible since I'm in the darkness? But, that wouldn't make sense unless... The voice earlier did sound very quiet and so far the only clear sound has been when they speak to me... Do they have their shadows in my ears?'

A soft thud was heard and my head snapped up, my eyes opening and darting around in the darkness. The door to the closet flung open and I was yanked out, being tossed towards my bed. My eyes widened and landed on a man with brown hair and a white shirt, a gun pointed at my face. Before he could say anything, the gun was yanked from his hands by black smoke, making me let out a shaky breath.

The mans eyes widened and he tried to charge me, only to be yanked into the floor. I scrambled under my bed and closed my eyes, covering my ears. A few minutes went by before I was yanked out from under the bed, making me try to fight the unseen person, only to have something constrict my movements and hold my arms at my sides.

"Calm down," Isa muttered next to my ear, pulling me against their chest. "Stop struggling."

I took a few deep breaths and settled down, swallowing hard when their breath fanned over my ear. "How did he know I was in here?"

"It was probably a test." They drawled, loosening their grip on me. "Miranda loves testing me and my abilities."

"So she endangered my life?"

"She doesn't care about you or any of us. She only wants her biological daughter. When she originally found me, she said I had the ability to birth a vessel for her daughter, when I denied, she grew angry. But she still gave me a gift."

I turned my head slightly and locked eyes with them, noticing how the flames that were normally reflected in their hazel eyes were gone. A small frown curled on my face and they immediately looked away, softly clearing their throat.

"I need to go patrol. You'll be safe in here."

"What happened to the flames in your eyes?"

A Winter Flame [Isa (LESBIAN OC) x FEM!Reader] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now