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"That's right, Nemesis, say good night to mama." Isa whispered, shifting closer. "Good night, femeie drăguță."

The next morning I woke to Nemesis purring, feeling her nuzzle into my neck. I slowly opened my eyes, picking her up and rolling onto my back, setting her on my chest. Her purrs got louder, making me smile as I started petting her. The door to the room opened and Isa walked in with another tray of food, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips. They made their way over to me, setting the tray over my lap as I sat up.

"Breakfast in bed again?" I asked with a laugh, setting Nemesis down between us.

"If it were up to me, I'd make you breakfast in bed every day." Isa hummed, taking one of the blueberries from my plate. "I need to call Donna and let her know she can come over now, I made enough breakfast."

"Nearly forgot she was coming over today."

"Pretty sure you were too distracted by my outfit yesterday."

"That is not the only reason I nearly forgot."

"Hm, so you were distracted by my outfit."

I huffed and tossed a blueberry at them before eating, smiling at their laugh. They pressed a kiss to Nemesis's head, moving to their vanity and picking up their phone. I continued eating, moving the tray to the bedside table when I finished, letting Nemesis climb onto my lap. She began meowing, making me laugh quietly and pick her up, moving her close to my chest.

A few moments later, Isa hung up the phone and moved over to us, pressing a kiss to my cheek. They took Nemesis and told me to get changed, making me roll my eyes and climb out of bed. I grabbed a change of clothes and made my way to the bathroom, changing and doing my hair, brushing my teeth before leaving the bathroom.

I moved out and over to Isa, wrapping my arms around them and resting my chin on their head. Isa laughed quietly, petting Nemesis and making me smile at her purrs. I watched her rub against their scarred cheek, earning a quiet giggle from me.

"See, she likes your scar too." I smiled, pressing a kiss to their temple.

"You're both weird." They chuckled, turning their head slightly when I moved back. "We should head to the living room. Donna will be here soon."

"Did you tell her about Nemesis?"

"I did, she can't wait to meet her."

A Winter Flame [Isa (LESBIAN OC) x FEM!Reader] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now