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"What's with the sudden mood change?"

"We're getting married in two days!"

"What a dork," Isa muttered under their breath as I pulled them to the dining room.

"But I'm your dork."

"Yes, you are."

Before we entered the dining room, they planted their feet and pulled me towards them. I let out a soft squeak and snaked my arms around their neck, locking eyes with them as they placed their hands on my waist. Isa pressed their lips against mine, earning a satisfied hum as I returned the kiss immediately, entangling my fingers in their hair.

The kiss, however, was cut short when Miranda cleared her throat, and Costin pretended to gag at the action. I slowly broke the kiss with an eye roll, glancing over my shoulder at the two. Costin reached his hands out for me, earning a giggle as I pulled away from Isa and took him from Miranda. His arms wrapped around my neck as he glared at Isa.

"My mommy! No kiss!"

"Since when was I not allowed to kiss her?"

"Now!" Costin huffed as he puffed out his cheeks, whining when Isa started laughing. "Not funny!"

"Okay, okay," They giggled out, holding their hands up in surrender. "I won't kiss mommy anymore. Today."


"I can't promise that, little man."

"My mommy!"

"Miranda, what did you say to my son?" Isa deadpanned, their eyes holding amusement as Miranda headed back into the dining room.

"Nothing you can prove," Miranda laughed as we followed her. "Now, eat, all of you. And [Y/N], everything for the wedding is ready; will you want to announce at the wedding that you're pregnant?"

"I haven't decided — maybe after our honeymoon. Isa hasn't told me anything about it yet, aside from Costin staying with Alcina and the girls."

I set Costin in his chair before taking my seat next to Isa, pressing a quick kiss to their scar before we all began eating. After a while, Miranda had to excuse herself — saying she needed to get Eva from Donna. Excitement filled me once she left, my gaze shifting over to Isa, who seemed on edge. I placed a hand on their thigh, frowning when they visibly jumped at the contact. They cleared their throat, a pink hue dusting their cheeks as they apologized for being jumpy.


"I'm fine, Amore," They smiled, a nervous laugh leaving them soon after. "It's just... Miranda hasn't let us see Eva yet, and I'm worried I'll want to raise her. She is alive because of me; she's technically my daughter."

"Well, all you have to remember is that she'll still be in our lives — but also we'll be having our own child later. So, any baby fever you may get from seeing Eva; can be put into that thought."

"You're right — you always are."

"I just know how you work," I giggled and kissed their cheek. "Now, where are we going for our honeymoon?"

"It's still a surprise, Amore."

"Damn you to Hell."

"Ich liebe dich auch." Isa laughed before Miranda returned.

My gaze landed on Miranda and Eva, noticing how much Eva looked like her instead of Isa. A faint sigh of relief left Isa, earning a small giggle from me as Miranda took her seat, having Eva sit on her lap. After everyone finished eating, we let Eva and Costin run around and play — Nemesis staying close to them so she could play as well. I grabbed Isa's hand and began swinging our arms, turning my attention to Miranda, who kept her gaze on the children.

"Miranda," I called softly, not wanting to get the attention of the children. "Why wait so long to let us meet her?"

"Truthfully? I was scared," Miranda stated calmly, turning her attention to me. "Do you know how I lost her the first time?"

"A disease, right?"

"Correct. I wanted to wait until the weather was nicer before letting anyone meet her, but she has heard stories of all of you. She can't wait to see the two of you get married."

"Speaking of the wedding," Isa finally spoke up, squeezing my hand lightly in the process. "Has Heisenberg agreed to be on his best behavior?"

"He's chosen not to show up, no one's happy about his decision. Did either of you want him to?"

"...No," Isa muttered through gritted teeth. "Why would I want that bastard there anyway?"

I placed a hand on Isa's arm and noticed their slight flinch. They clearly were bothered by the fact that Heisenberg refused to show up, but they didn't want to make that noticeable — although Miranda could see through their façade. Her eyes scanned their face before shifting to me, pulling a soft sigh from me. I didn't care if he showed up or not — he was an asshole to me anyway — but it bothered Isa and that angered me.

Miranda turned her attention back to the children, motioning for me to take Isa to a different room and speak with them. I gently pulled them to a spare room and shut the door, forcing them to sit on the bed before straddling them. Their eyes lit up for a moment and I had to suppress the giggle that threatened to leave me.

"Now who's the dork?"

"Shut up," They grumbled with a faint smile. "What's this all about?"

"You should call him tonight," I sighed after a few moments of silence, trying to think of how to avoid them getting out of this. "It's obvious you want him to be there."

"I don't want him to be there... I'm fine with him not being there—."


Isa remained silent for a long time and I could see the internal battle they were having. "I just want to know why... After all this time, I thought he'd be happy that I'm finally opening up to the family and that I'm in love and getting married... But, I guess I was wrong. At least the others will be there."

"You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. There's still lots of good in the world."


"Call him and tell him that," I stated as I climbed off of their lap.


"Because it's true. He's always so focused on the negative, but he's failing to see the good that has happened to the family. He's driving a wedge between himself and the rest of you, don't let him do that."

Isa stared at me in shock for a moment, processing what I had just said before slowly getting to their feet. I watched them make their way to the phone in the room, my heart pounding against my chest as they dialed Karl's number. It wouldn't matter to me if Heisenberg showed up, but if getting a valid reason out of him would make Isa happy, then I'd gladly try to help them. I noticed them tense and I knew that he had actually picked up the phone this time, resulting in me walking over to Isa and wrapping my arms around them. They took a deep breath as I pressed a kiss to their cheek, letting a smile rise as they repeated what I had said to them.

amore - love
Ich liebe dich auch - i love you too

A Winter Flame [Isa (LESBIAN OC) x FEM!Reader] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now