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"You already love her." I laughed out, the girls giggling with me.

"You four are horrible together."

"Yet you love us!" Daniela chirped, earning an eyeroll from Isa.

"Yeah, yeah." They chuckled, turning to the doors. "I'll come get you all once dinner is ready."

"Wait," Cassandra huffed, making Isa glance over their shoulder. "What are you making us?"

"Still deciding between langue d'agneau en papillotes and steak and kidney pie."

"Well, that maid was a particularly chatty lamb if that helps you decide." Bela hummed out, making Isa nod at her wording.

"Understood my dear niece."

With that, Isa left and I raised an eyebrow at the three. They simply smiled at me before turning their attention to Nemesis, making me shake my head and move back to the couch. I watched the three play with Nemesis and chat amongst themselves, bringing a smile to my face the entire time.

After a while, Isa returned to the library and the girls immediately swarmed out of the room, each pausing momentarily to press a kiss to Isa's cheek. I stood and picked up Nemesis, carrying her over to Isa with a smile. They pecked my lips before glancing down at the kitten, narrowing their eyes when she meowed at them.

"Be glad you're adorable." They muttered, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Now, let's go eat dinner."

"You're not going to make me eat that maid, are you?"

"Of course not, I made something different for us."

I smiled at their laugh and nodded, walking with them to the hallway. "Well, what'd you make us?"

"Grilled steaks with garlic chive butter and French-style potato salad and Alcina asked for crème brûlée so, I also made that."

"Is there anything you can't make?"

When they paused to think, I started laughing - which they joined in shortly after. Once we reached the dining hall and sat down, after setting Nemesis on the floor, lady Dimitrescu entered and took her seat at the head of the table. The food was soon brought out and immediately the Dimitrescu family began praising Isa, making them laugh nervously and scratch the back of their neck.

I rolled my eyes with a small smile and took their free hand, interlacing our fingers to help them relax from all of the praise. When our food was brought out and we all started eating, Isa's left hand came to rest on my thigh, gaining my attention. They were eating and chatting with lady Dimitrescu, piquing my interest as to why their hand had ended up there - not that I minded, I was just curious.

"You've really out done yourself," Lady Dimitrescu praised, causing Isa to squeeze my thigh slightly. "We'll have to do this more often - as long as you're up for it."

"Gladly," They hummed out, glancing over at their nieces. "I'm sure it would make them happy as well. I do need to get in contact with Donna and catch her up on things. Can't take [Y/N] over to her house so, Donna will have to come to my mansion once more."

Lady Dimitrescu nodded and we finished dinner with the occasional chatter, my head resting on Isa's shoulder as the crème brûlée was brought out. They pressed a kiss to my head and I shifted slightly to look at them, locking eyes with them. Quiet giggles broke our gaze, my [E/C] eyes narrowing at the giggling Dimitrescu daughters.

Their giggles grew louder and I rolled my eyes, lifting my head from Isa's shoulder and letting my gaze fall to the crème brûlée. After we ate that, Isa picked up Nemesis and wrapped her in the blanket, handing her to me. They soon left, leaving me alone with the Dimitrescu family.

"What are your plans with my little sibling?" Lady Dimitrescu's voice rang out, the coldness of her voice chilling me to the bone.

"Plans?" I repeated, petting Nemesis in the process. "I suppose it would be to love them? Show them that they have family and can find happiness despite what happened in their past. I never really thought of having a plan... Just wanting them to be happy and to stop trying to kill me over any small incident that upset them."

The girls giggled at that and their mother nodded slowly in understanding. "If they weren't ready to go home, I'd question you further. I suppose that will have to wait until next time."

"Stop interrogating my girlfriend." Isa called out, carrying their coat over to me. "You're the one that told me she liked me anyway."

Lady Dimitrescu simply smiled and watched as Isa helped me put the coat on. We said our good-bye's and left out of the front doors, Isa's arm wrapped around my waist and holding me close to their body. After we got home, they locked the door and removed the coat for me, taking us to our room as a yawn left them. I pressed a kiss to their cheek when we entered the room, setting Nemesis down as they made a bottle for her.

After feeding Nemesis, Isa climbed into bed and curled up, almost immediately falling asleep. I shook my head and wrapped the kitten in her blanket, moving her towards the fireplace that had a small fire going. Once Nemesis was asleep, I climbed into bed and moved over to Isa, their arms immediately wrapping around me as they buried their face in my neck.

I smiled at their action, rubbing their back and letting my eyes close. Isa shifted and pulled away for a moment before moving back, arms wrapping around me once more. They quickly settled down, allowing me to go back to rubbing their back. I smiled at their content sigh, sleep quickly welcoming be but not before Isa spoke softly.

"Sweet dreams, [Y/N]."

My eyes fluttered open to lock with hazel ones, a smile on my face as I wrapped my arms around Isa's neck. They leaned down and connected our lips, quiet giggles leaving me as I deepened the kiss, tongue happily exploring their mouth when they allowed me to. I pulled them closer, the both of us giggling quietly before breaking the kiss, their lips placing tender kisses on my jaw and neck.

"What do you want to do today, pretty girl?" They asked, a teasing tone mixed with their words.


it's cold in my room so imma nap and work on more after i wake up. the start of next chapter will continue the dream

A Winter Flame [Isa (LESBIAN OC) x FEM!Reader] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now