{14} Daylight

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in the daylight we'll be on our own

but tonight, i need to hold you so close

-Daylight (Maroon 5)


Jersey and Ashton deteriorated slowly, getting sicker and sicker by the minute. Ashton was able to speak in mumbles and drink water, but Jersey was less fortunate. She couldn't move her toes. Her fever reached inhumane levels, and these came with one or two seizures. And even though it pained me to see this, I couldn't stop it.

I suppose even the best doctors felt helpless at times, but when these people were your best friends, everything changed.

It has been more than thirty hours since I last slept and it has been taking a toll on me. I felt very drowsy and I didn't want to do anything. But I had to.

On one of my night shifts, I was laying on the floor next to Ashton's side of the bed as we watched television. He laid down so that he could whisper and be comfortable at the same time,"Jane?"

"Yes, Ash?" I looked up, putting the tv on mute as I listened to what he had to say.

"In America," he began, his voice fading, yet remaining constant for me to hear, "Dylan is there. We saw her once during captivity; she had two briefcases. They-"

Ashton struggles to breath, and I would have told him to stop talking, but I needed this information to know what was happening to them,"The people injected us with a clear drug. By the fifth dose, you should be slowly deteriorating with little symptoms. I had three shots, so did J. But she had an allergic reaction and her blood had Advil in it, so she reacted differently."

"Is that why she is always in worse position?" I asked him. This was all news to me. But if Jersey and Mikey had the same puncture, then they had been injected with the same thing.

Ashton nodded. "Dylan has real chemists, doctors, willing to help with this lethal drug. But-"

He broke off into a coughing fit, never stopping once for a breath. I helped him sit up and all the cough that he had bottled up, came out at once. I handed him some water, and he held it in his hands after taking a few sips," There's a cure."

"Where is it?" I asked him, standing up and beginning to feel adrenaline rush through me. I could save them all. I could.



"Wow, we haven't been apart for more than a day and you're already back here," Harry teased and I pushed past him and into the house. Everyone except Niall (who was sleeping) had gone to care for Jersey and Ash, so that left us two relatively alone.

"Shut up and listen," I demanded of him, rolling my eyes and dripping my bag on the sofa as I always did. "Dylan has some sort of drug and we need the cure,"

"What does this have to do with anything?" Harry asked, eyebrows furrowed and head tilted to the side as he questioned my means.

Instead of answering, I walked past him and closed all the blinds so that no one could see us talking about this, especially since they had been watching us. Then, I moved back to my spot near Harry.

"Jersey, Ashton, and Michael have been injected and they could die," I explained shortly, but his face told me he needed more information,"the dose contains five shots, by the fifth, you should die without symptoms. Ash and Jerse had three so they should be fine, but Mikey might have had all five."

"So, why are you telling me, out of all people?" Harry smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes at his attitude and continued.

"Because I need to know how to contact Dylan," I said in a low voice and Harry's face hardened and paled, as if he was a sheet of paper. The only color was radiating from his cheeks due to the heat.

"No." He subtly responded,dropping the subject and starting to move away from me. I grabbed his hand and catapulted him back to me with all the strength I had.

"Don't make me pull out my gun," I teased, trying to get him to tell me how to find her. But he wouldn't budge.

He looked straight into my eyes. Harry dropped my hand from his, and he grabbed my face tightly. "She's a dangerous woman. I can't let you do this."

"You don't know what I want to do," I mumbled to him, looking down at my feet. But as my head raised, he was looking down at me sympathetically.

Brushing a hair out of my face, his eyes looked fixedly onto my eyes, as if he wad trying to find something that wasn't there. "I'll think about it,"

"We don't have time, Har-" I began to speak my mind, but he closed his eyes and sighed loudly, making me stop talking almost automatically.

"Dylan knows what she is doing, ok?" He elucidated, trying to make me understand. But I didn't.

Scoffing, I made my argument. Harry's hands left my face and returned to my sides. "So, I have to trust someone that could potentially kill me?"

"You trusted me, didn't you?"


I feel like its time to tell you guys that im starting to write the book again

As of two weeks ago I just decided that iidt is like an amazing plot and that i shouldnt delete it so i wrote this

but i wasnt sure if i shoukd post it

and now with this book close to 1k and td with 3k, ive decided to keep on going

also, im sorry for zayn

i know ive been away a while but either way i am still in the fandom and will always be

ily all vv much

If I Die Tonight | h.s. sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang