{11} By Now

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"I'd whisper in your ear it's only temporary

But I've been taking you for granted

And I thought you'd feel the same as me

It's time that I come clean,

But for now can we just both pretend to sleep

Sometimes the one you want is not the one you need"

-By Now (Mariana's Trench)


Rushing out of my car, I snatched my purse and began to trot up the front steps. Apparently, Lee had decided to call me at three in the morning for reasons that she couldn't mention on the phone. Although,, I couldn't blame her, I ahd been sort of disconnected after Michael and I broke up about four days ago. And by 'disconnected' I mean I haven't talked to anyone besides my mother.

I was still wearing sweatpants when I showed up to the house and barged in, only to be met Lee and Luke screaming at each other like crazy. As soon as they realized that I had walked in on one of their screaming matches, they stopped all conversation. Luke rolled his eyes and thrrew his head back in frustration, retreating to the kitchen, mumbling profanities to himself.

Lee was standing in a large black sweatshirt and extremely short pajama shorts. The sleeves of the sweatshirt were pulled over her hands and as she covered her face and ran her fingers through her hair, they slightly moved up. After she had dropped her hands, she made her way out of the living room and stood in front of me. I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows,"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, it's just-" She was trying to form a coherent sentence, but it was extremely hard for her. I could only fathom what was going on in her head, I mean calling me at three AM and then getting into a fight with her boyfriend not even seconds after. Honestly, I felt bad for her, God knows how much stress she must be in right now. "You know how it is with Luke and I, it's just that things have gotten overly complicated."

"How so?" I tilted my head to the side, brushing my fingers through my hair and attempting to get the loose strands in place. Lee just sighed and shook her head as she waved me off. This was odd to me. Normally, Lee would tell me everything that was on her mind and even though I just sat there and listened, I found relief and comfort in that. So when she shook her head 'no', I knew this was much more serious than it normally would be.

"It's not important. Uh, Michael was complaining about his head and last time I checked he had a 101 fever. I just panicked and called you, Jane. You know, since you are his girlfriend and all-"

"Uh, Lee?" I rudely interrupted her. Apparently, no one ever informed her about the break up. Then again, I couldn't blame her, a lot of things have been going on lately. "We broke up a few days ago."

"Oh." She widened her eyes and sucked in a breath, as she began to look around. Sniffling, her gaze switched back onto me. Her head seemed to be filled with countless thoughts as she pushed past me and shut the door and once she turned back around, she licked her lips and gave me an awkward smile. "Look, I really don't know how to take care of a sick person and Luke is screaming at me and I feel like complete shit. Jane, you gotta help me out. Okay, I'm really sorry about your break up but please?"

Her eyes began to water and I could see the tears forming on her eyes. Now, I really did feel pity for her. I mean, who could blame her? Luke was acting like a complete and total dick and he was taking all of his anger out on poor Lee. So, I nodded and pulled her in for a hug, whispering so that only she could hear,"If it gets out of hand, call me."

"Yeah, feeling's mutual." She murmured back as she pulled away. Taking a deep breath, she turned on her heel and went back into the kitchen. I lingered around for a few seconds to make sure that no one was throwing their shit. Luckily for me, they carried our their argument in a hushed tone.

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