{17} i'll keep you safe

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And I promise you
I'll keep you safe

-I'll Keep You Safe (Sleeping At Last)


Today was my mother's wedding. It was as if the dreaded day had arrived. My mom decided to have her own Maid of Honor so as far as she was concerned, Harry and I would most likely not even show up.

However, Harry woke me up and fed me breakfast, and Perrie did my make up and hair (God bless her soul) as we talked about babies on the down-low.

At the end of the story, Harry was in a tux that he had pulled out of God knows where. And I was in a tight cream-colored dress with nude heels. I was going for neutral colors, hoping that I wouldn't cause much of a scene.

The dress was very tight, made of a cotton-nylon material that hugged your body. It had half-sleeves and it went down to my mid-thigh, where it curved a bit as it ended. The heels made me look way taller than I was, almost up to Harry's height. And really, the clutch tied it together. There was something about my ombre hair and that outfit that made me fall in love.

The only things I had on me, though, was my phone, gum, a knife and my gun, lip gloss, and blush. The usual, I suppose.

Harry and I arrived on the scene and scanned the site. Just to be safe. Due to the fact that this was more of a legal wedding, it wasn't in a church, yet the ceremony and the party was a huge reception. None of us saw any real danger, so we let our guards down and began to greet my family members.

Everyone was surprised that I had turned out the way I did and they were mesmerized by how "perfect" Harry and I looked. They also praised me for graduating and "losing weight" (which was probably all from running and saving those losers).

Although, my grandmother was my personal favorite of the whole night. She spent almost twenty minutes inspecting Harry and criticizing him, which was vey entertaining for me. She was a sweet lady, but there was something about Harry that struck a nerve and she called him "too old-timed". Not to mention she did try to hit on him.

I refuse to bore you with the idiotic ceremony of two people signing a piece of paper and calling it a marriage. Disgusting.

Nonetheless, I was happy for my mother, but I was upset that she acted so casually, as if Dad never existed. Well, I suppose that's what happens when he leaves your family for drugs.

The night began to come to an end, however, everyone was still at the party, way too drunk to leave. This wedding had been set up outside an olden house, where the patio floors were concrete and the only thug covering the sun was a simple roof.

Harry and I had been sitting for a while, talking about everything going on and using certain codenames. But all too soon, a gunshot ricocheted from the area. This wouldn't worry me, but the sound of it was too close for comfort.

The guests cheered for fireworks, but later discovered that no fluorescent sparks were falling upon their heads like stardust. That's when everyone panicked. All of the people that once stood on the dance floor ran to the exit and drove away from the site, people already beginning to call the police. But Harry and I knew better. We knew this was because of us.

So we allowed everyone to leave the site and then, I snatched my knife and placed it in the strap of my bra, and grabbed my smooth gun, beginning to raid the place. There were only two people out there, one was lifeless on the ground and the other held a gun in her hand.

Harry was elsewhere, checking another area of the place. But as I stood in front of this girl, she intimidated me. So when she came charging towards me, I didn't react as quickly as I should have.

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