{10} Home

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"'Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone

Is where you go when you're alone

Is where you go to rest your bones

It's not just where you lay your head

It's not just where you make your bed

As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?


-Home (Gabrielle Aplin)


"Where is all of this coming from, Michael? Did they tell you something back there?"

It wass the day after we had gone on this mission and had gotten Michael back, which was a huge relief. I had made sure that he was well-taken care of (by Luke and Lee) and told them everything they needed to do. Then, I went home and called Jack. Yesterday, he had told me that today was the wedding, so he should start looking for Jersey and Ashton very soon.

Also, I had stayed up all night last night on FaceTime with Josh as we attmepted to track down the phone calls from Jersey and Ashton and attempt to figure out where the hell they were. It was hard, but after nine hours and countless cups of coffee, we finally found a way to track Ashton's watch. They were somewhere in Delaware or something.

So, this morning, after I got barely an hour of sleep, I came over to visit Michael and to check up on him. However, he had other intentions. We had been arguing for the past half hour about how we needed to break up. That's how my question came to be. I had no idea what was going on, and I was pretty sure I was not ready to let him go quite yet. "Jane, I know you still love Harry and that's fine. You've been extremely distant since he first got here and I -"

"Michael, a lot of things have happened since he came back." I interrupted him, shutting him up almost immediately.

However, he was quick to retaliate and switch the blame over to me. "There's something I haven't told you. I know you made out with him the night of the bonfire"

(a/n this is a flashback written in third person guys work with me)

Michael had left Jane alone for a few seconds to go get the ingredients to make s'mores. He was beyond excited to teach Jane about his childhood and how this delicious snack were all he had left of happiness in life.

But he noticed Lee in deep conversation with Jane, so he stopped dead in his tracks and began conversation with the first person he saw. It didn't matter that he didn't know the person, he just wanted to give the two girls some alone time to settle their petty, girl issues.

Michael kept an eye on Jane and Lee as they talked, smiled, and frowned. By the looks of it, they were gonna last a pretty long time. So, he posiioned himself in front of the guy he was speaking to and actually began to pay attention to the conversation.

However, this was the worst thing Michael could have done because when the conversation finalized and he looked for Jane, she was gone from her spot. Her blanket was left on the log. Michael tried spotting Lee, maybe she'd know where Jane had gone.

Dropping the supplies that had been placed in individual Ziplock bags on the floor, he began to search for either Lee or Jane. Michael picked up the blanket and held it tightly in his hand. But, soon enough, she saw Jane's tall and slender figure going into the woods. She had to be with someone. She wouldn't just go into the woods alone.

Michael, by instinct, began to follow closely behind his girlfirend, making sure not to make much noise so that Jane wouldn't know he was there. Jane led an odd life, so he wouldn't be surprised if she was to be smoking or calling someone.

If I Die Tonight | h.s. sequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt