{1} Wild Love

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For better or worse

A blessing or a curse

Long live this wild wild love of ours

-Wild Love (Pitbull ft. G.R.L.)


I don't believe I've ever told you how much I love summer. The skies get blue and the air becomes warm. Everything just seems happier and lighter. Adventures become daily and your burdens fade away. Everyone becomes blithe and careless and everything they do becomes graceful, like the waves that crash alongside the shore.

As of now, Lee and I were sitting on the tilted roof of the house, just watching cars pass by and people skateboard their way across us. Lee had on a black shirt that ended at mid-thigh as well as a beanie and rounded sunglasses. However, I was wearing a white shirt, hat also reached past my bum and then a red flannel that reached to my mid thigh over that, with my regular sunglasses over my eyes.

There was nothing I'd rather be doing the first day of summer. We had graduated yesterday and it was like a burden off of our shoulders. To be able throw the hats onto the air and receive our diplomas.

Jack was valedictorian and he made a speech to die for, he even shouted me out and told the public that I had been through a rough year and I still kept up my grades and missed being in his spot my two points in History.

Ash and Jersey were leaving for a road trip to America today and Lee was still hasty about letting them go alone. But she wasn't their mom and even though she felt like an older sister to Jerse, there was nothing she could do.

Zayn and Perrie got in the university in France that they wanted to get in and they would be leaving whenever they decided on the date. The rest of us were staying behind and awaiting the fall to come strolling in so that we could begin university.

Perrie decided on her own that I would look good with streaks of blonde in my hair, so as of now, my hair consisted of three colors, the top was my natural hair color, the middle was a bit lighter and the bottom was a honey gold. Personally, I loved how all of the colors mashed in and made my colored hair look natural. I made sure to tell her and while she was flattered, she insisted that I take it as a graduation gift.

Then came a giant party, everyone was invited, and it was here, at this little house that actually packed a bunch of people. Mom was still a bit skeptic about letting me go out after I returned home two days later with a bunch of scratches up and down my legs. But of course, a wedding was much more important that one's daughter coming home after 48 hours of being missing. Mother didn't even send someone to look after me. Instead, she called Harry once and moved on to buy the last five issues of a wedding magazine.

I stared down to see an upset Perrie and a flabbergasted Ashton looking up at us. Ash covered up his forehead to get a better look at us; Perrie, however, was already standing on the shade so there was a clear view at us. Her arms fell to her side and rested on her hips,"What the hell are you doing up there?"

"Playing punch buggy," Lee rolled her eyes underneath her glasses. I feel that she meant to say it sarcastically but it actually came off as an actual, legit remark that she would make,"Wanna play?"

"Actually," Perrie thought and pulled over the ladder and beginning to climb up. A flustered Zayn came running outside and snatched Perrie by her waist and spun her around, taking her off of the ladder,"Oh, no you don't."

She pouted her lips and shrugged at us. Luke and Mike came sprinting out, almost as if they were racing to see who would get there first. At first they were very confused as to why they were gathering around outside, but then they realized as soon as I called out towards Zayn,"You're such a party pooper."

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