Truths of the Situation

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As the crew scrambled to work, and the helmsman guided the ancient vessel to new waters, Davy Jones brought Midoriya into the captain's quarters. A large organ sat at the back, interworked into the ship, but he brought his attention to the map in the center. It was old parchment, resting on a table, severely damaged by seawater.

Sitting down on the opposite side of the table, Davy Jones asked: "I want to know everything about your... revenge... before we start."

The boy sighed. This was a difficult topic on the best of times. But, he knew he'd have to explain, "Right... I was killed. I want revenge on the people that did that: my former classmates."

"Your... "Classmates"... what do you know of them, before we draw them out?" Of course he'd want info first, Izuku thought. But... given how old everything appeared to be, he'd have to explain a few things first.

So, he did just that: "What do you know of the world?"

The man mused, discussing his own difficulties in the process... "I know that men have changed. Almost no one dies at sea anymore... so replacing my crew is... difficult..."
"Is there any way to upgrade the Dutchman to... modern standards?" The greenette asked. 

The man seemed surprised. Especially by the concept that he was the one that was behind, technilogically. "Modern?"
Midoriya nodded, "This vessel looks like it came right out of the 17th century... Mankind has learned how to create..." He struggled to find the right words to explain, and then settled on a description, "flying vessels. With no way to bring those down, you will get very few people."
"I see..."
Izuku continued, "However, there are plenty of military and shipping vessels. Plus a few cruises. If you want crew, target the military vessels first... There is another matter that has come up recently."

The ancient Captain enquired, "Being...?"
It was here that the greenette dropped the largest truth bomb onto the man, "Mankind as a species has changed. Most people are born with abilities commonly known as quirks."
In disbelief, Davy Jones challenged him. "Since when?"
Midoriya countered, "Since the late 21st century."

That proved to be what the captain feared. His power supremacy being challenged. "Hm... so they could defeat my crew?"

Sensing an opportunity, Midoriya conveniently left out the part where most people can't use their quirks, and in Japan, you can't even in the case of self defence. Only heroes could, and they could be too far away to help. "And you. Maybe not kill you, but they would certainly make it so that you could never sail again."

This tactic gave the green haired boy an opportunity... to manipulate the clear Villain. He didn't trust the man. But... he would help him, since they would be helping him. Especially when the older man asked for help: "So, what do you advise?"

Izuku explained to the best of his ability. Most people were weak to certain tactics, which hadn't really changed. "Using ambushes to quickly take down isolated targets. At the same time, gaining weapons that can take down aircraft."
"Then we will attack one of these... cruise vessels? Draw them out."
Midoriya hated that they were getting innocent people involved, but there was no choice involved in this. It was the only plan that would... encourage heroes to the spotlight. And if he was directly involved... then it was highly likely that some of his classmates would go into the crossfire. That made him smile, no matter the cost. "They are defenseless, as pirates are a thing of the past."

"Then I will make them fear the sea once again."

During a rest period after setting sail, Izuku was initiated into all aspects of the crew, changing into more fitting attire, meeting all of them, and learning their games and mannerisms. Watching a game of Liar's dice, he asked about Jones. "I don't know much about him, nobody from my time does. What can you tell me about all of... this?"
A man with a starfish on his face explained it to him. "Them? The Dutchman must have a crew, and a captain. Captain's been captain for as long as anyone can remember."

Izuku was still in denial. After all, longevity quirks exist. It shouldn't surprise him as much as it does that this isn't due to a quirk. After all, all the signs were there, but his mind refused to accept that. "That doesn't seem possible..."

The man led him into the ship's interior. It looked somehow worse than the exterior. This is where the bunks were, hammocks which allowed for peaceful sleep even in the most galeful storms. "How about we chat inside, eh?"
The crewmember started talking as they wandered. "There is the old legend of the Captain... if you'll hear it."
"I will." Old legend... even for them?!

He nodded, "Aye, The Captain was once a normal man, well, normal for their time... he fell in love with a woman... harsh and untamable as the sea. He did as she asked, and captain'd the Dutchman for 10 years... then when he went ashore... she didn't show... In a rage, he carved out his heart, and placed it in a chest... hidden away from the world... That's his only weakness, his curse for everlasting life..."
Interesting... "So he can die?"
The man agreed sagely, "Oh yes... but the Dutchman must have a captain... stab the heart, take his place..."
Hearing that, however, the boy shook his head, "That will never happen." That could be a way out of my promise... A chest is only so weak... And I'm not bound to his will... yet...

To his surprise, the man countered that statement. "It almost did... the chest is lost to time now... the last person to have it supposedly hid it as far away from the old haunts of the Dutchman, in these very waters... so they say..."

In Japan? No wonder he was in the area... how interesting...

Class 1A waited for Aizawa to enter the classroom. There wasn't much to say between them, especially between two violettes and the rest of the class. They were the only two to not be involved, and even try to get heroes to save him... but, alas, they couldn't. However, Aizawa arrived, and as he entered, the gruff man started to speak. His voice was tired, yet wrathful. "Shut up and listen."
Jirou, a girl with violette hair and ear jacks for her quirk asked, knowing that anger wasn't directed at her. "Any news on the verdict...?"
He sighed, "I should not tell you this, since you are suspects in a murder investigation, but to answer Jirou's question... After interrogating the League Of Villain prisoners, it was discovered that Toga used Izuku's blood to set him up. This means he was found to be innocent." Excluding Hitoshi Shinsou and Kyoka Jirou, he told them to their faces: "You all, in my eyes, are murderers. Unfortunately, since his body was never found, there is no evidence you killed him, and therefore, I cannot expel you. You will atone for what you have done to him, because of baseless rumors. However, if you make another mistake, I will not hesitate to expel you. That is all."

The class didn't speak as Present Mic entered the room. The first part of their punishment had arrived in the form of their English class.

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