Final Confrontation

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When Izuku arrived back at UA, he brought the chest right to the entrance of UA. The gate opened at their arrival, and Aizawa stood with Nezu tucked into his scarf. Their eyes widened when the two teachers saw it. Nezu himself started to speak: "Ah, young Midoriya... is that?"
Izuku gave them a better view of the contraption: "This is the chest. I'll have to take it to the support wing for a lockpick..."

The raven haired man gestured, letting the three of them go. "You better move quickly." They didn't look back as they rushed off.

As they walked to the support wing, it was at this time that Jirou asked, "What is so important?"
Izuku glanced at her, before saying simply: "His weakness." 

Hizoshi didn't like the lack of a definite answer. His eyess narrowing, he asked, "How? How is this thing his weakness?" 

"It's better if you don't know." At this point, they arrived, having brought the chest to the support workshop. 

Powerloader greeted them as they arrived, "Hey. What do you need?" 

The green haired boy held up the chest, "We need to pop the lock on this."

He looked over the chest. It was heavily decorated, and far more advanced than anything at from the 1600s. It was mechanically advanced to the point where it was almost on a seperate design philosophy. "Where did you get this...?"
Redirecting, Izuku's comment did cause the other two to glance at him with concern. "Doesn't matter. Can you do it?"

"Well, yeah, give us enough time..." where he agreed to get the chest open, but that was easier said than done. Many different devices were tried, and they were on the last one. Well, second to last one, as Power Loader stated, "Right, if this doesn't work, we'll try laser cutting the hinges."

Izuku warned them "Be careful, the contents are very valuable... and delicate. There is a reason Jones wants it back."

He nodded, "Right."
Sliding the device into the lock, the device slowly unlocked the chest until a click was heard, the internal mechanism slowly unlocked. The pistons sealing the chest completely unlocked one by one until there was a hiss like decompressed air. He picked it up gently, moved it to a private table, and opened the lid. Before anyone could ask why he wanted to look at it by himself, Iida arrived in the workshop. "Guys, whatever you're doing, that villain crew is here for!"
Quickly, Izuku closed the chest. Giving it to Iida, who had just arrived for upgrades to his super suit, the green haired boy stated clear directions, disdain in his voice. "Give this to Nezu and Allmight. They'll know what to do with it. It must not get to Jones' crew. Do you understand?"
Pale from fear of Izuku, who has been shown to easily kill him, "Yes."
He growled, as the "Get going!"
When he left, they could hear sounds of conflict in the hallway. Jones' crew had found them... and were quick to follow Iida. They didn't see Izuku, who hid out of sight from the doorway. After a moment, alarms sounded, and the PA system Izuku only heard once before, activated, and informed them of what they already knew. 

"Warning, Campus on Level 5 Lockdown. Please stay in the room you are in until the lockdown has lifted. If any of the staff give alternate directions, follow them without question."

He sighed as the greenette listened to them leave. "That was close..."
Jirou nodded. "Yeah..."
Izuku started to leave, "Well, I'm going now."
The violet haired girl countered, "You can't just leave!"

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