The Remembrance

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The Cruise liner, christened the Remembrance, slowly wandered the seas while following its proper path, on its way to Japan from the last port: Hawaii. The captain lazed about in the operating room, without much to do except pass the time. His team were busy, but he wasn't required for anything significant. As he sipped on his coffee, a galleon broke the surface of the water. "What the?!"
Before they could react, the ship's cannons opened fire. The cruise ship, not built for combat, shuddered from the impacts. The engines stalled and shut down. Rope and tackle quickly attached itself to the sides.

The captain exited to lower decks, where the galleon resided. The clear pirates were out of some Lovecraft nightmare crew. Even still, the captain remained undaunted. "Why are you attacking us?"

"You are not the one to be making demands. Especially to me."

Turning, he found himself face to face with the ghastly sight of Davy Jones. His crew already held many passengers hostage, and there was nothing he could do but protest... or see if there was something they wanted.

Prioritizing the safety of his passengers, he demanded to know: "What do you want?"

"What do I want? Haha... I want the seas to be feared again. Just as they were before under my rule..."

"You're mad."
"Am I now?" He slashed at the captain's chest. He fell back, blood pouring from the wound. The voice of the Dutchman's caption filtered to his ears. The Scottish baritone clear for all. "Tell me, do you fear death?"
To the man's credit, he shouted at him, his mustache quivering. "You're a monster!"
"I guess not." He stabbed him in the chest, where his heart would be, with his sword.

His first mate, Maccus, his first mate, with the half hammerhead shark head, asked of him. "What of the survivors?"
He paused, before saying callously, "There are no survivors." Turning, he strode the deck, basking in the screams of pathetic tourists as they were cut, stabbed, gutted, and several other gruesome methods of death.

Izuku reported back, his blade stained with blood. He also got his hands dirty. For a boy, he is quite twisted. "Sir, this ship is expected to arrive in Japan. I suggest we let it happen, to raise fear."

Not caring about the end result, just the souls he could press gang into his crew, he dismissed the boy. "Go ahead then. Everyone, finish up and head back to the Dutchman!"

Nodding, the greenette wandered the halls until getting to the cockpit. It was organized in a mostly easy to understand manner. Getting to the helmsman's station, Izuku set the autopilot and restarted the engines. They were damaged, but not enough to stop the ship. After nodding in satisfaction, he quickly bolted back and hopped aboard the Dutchman just as they started to sail away. After another few moments, the galleon descended below the now bloodstained sea.

At Tokyo port, the port officials waited on the cruise ship Remembrance. They expected a report to come in, communications that they would be arriving. "They should be here soon, but we haven't heard a word after they left Hawaii. I hope it's just storm interference..." In the horizon, they could see the silhouette of the ship. "Good, they're arriving. I'll just call out..."

However, another port official made an observation: "Sir, they aren't slowing down." 
Panic siezed the man's heart as he came to the same conclusion. An impossible conclusion. "That's not right..."

As the ship approached, it was clear something was very, very wrong. Smoke poured from the engine room, and it was heavily battered. Clear holes had been gouged in the ship, and a swarm of seagulls flew above it, creating an almost tornado like appearance over the vessel. Signs of death, and decay. Before they could react, it sped, and crashed straight into the harbor, tearing up the place. The ground shuddered, and the port officials could hear the shriek of metal. 

Working diligently, the official told his subordinate. "Call for heroes, something has happened on board!"

"Rodger!" The younger man was quick to pick up the phone...

As class 1A was relaxing in their dorms, trying to take their mind off of what happened, they switched on the TV. The familiar sight of the a popular newscaster interrupted their normally scheduled programming with... "BREAKING NEWS! The Cruise liner Remembrance has arrived in Japan with all passengers and crew found dead!"
Nobody could have expected that, with Bakugo Katsuki himself asking: "What the fuck..." 

In response, they listened carefully.

The newscaster explained the situation, sparing no detail. "The ship had been attacked, and boarded, as evidenced by this video recording. I will warn you, this will be extremely disturbing..."

The view turned into a phone recording. It showed the arrival of a galleon from the sea, the bombardment, and the execution of the captain.
Momo Yaoyorozu, the prim and proper Vice Captain of Class A, put her hand over her mouth. "Oh god..."

They all flinched as the pirate captain ordered: "... There will be no survivors..."
Just before the video cut out, a smaller figure came out wearing similar garb. However, poking out under the hat they could see green hair. He turned back and walked into the ship after a quick conversation with the captain.

Jirou shouted to them, not caring for niceties, "Pause now!" They did.

The picture was fuzzy, but they could all tell who it was. It was so obvious, and yet... impossible. Jirou whispered, disbelievingly, "That's Midoriya..."
Mineta, the coward of the class, asked, "How is he alive?!"

Hitoshi, the class's replacement for Midoriya, was irritated at that remark. "That's your question? Not why is he with those... villains?!"

Jirou whispered, trying to put the pieces together, "They probably saved his life..."
Meanwhile, Ochako Uraraka turned to her... boyfriend. They had gotten closer for a while, only announcing it after the whole mess. "Iida, you should get Aizawa."
"I shall!" He ran to get him, leaving the room to speculate more. The two violettes who were friends with him, glanced at each other. They knew what Midoriya was like, and that this was wildly out of character... and yet betrayal could do that to a person. She remembered his shock as her... classmates... attacked him. He completely froze. And now, he was working with villains.
After 10 minutes, Aizawa arrived on the scene, his face sour. "Show me."
Hitoshi gestured to the television: "It's on the TV, sir."
He looked at it and his eyes widened. "So it's true... he is alive... that doesn't excuse what you all did, but you are going to have to work to earn his apology."

Bakugo was the first voice to refuse. It was as if he thought he was in the right all along. Everyone knew he had beef with Midoriya, but still accepted it for whatever twisted reason. "WHY? He's a villain now!"

"Why do you think, Bakugo? Who drove him to that?" Their responses, or lack thereof, gave it away "Exactly..." He walked away and had to make a few phone calls...

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