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Izuku Midoriya awoke in an interrogation room. Soon after, a plain looking man, clearly a detective, entered the room. He introduced himself, "I am Detective Tsukauchi. Before I begin, have you been made aware of your rights?"
The boy shook his head, and the detective elaborated: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You also have the right to an attorney at any time. Do you understand"
Izuku nodded, confirming his answer to the question. Relieved, the man now asked, "For the record, you are Izuku Midoriya, correct?"

Izuku answered the question: "Yes."

Writing down notes on a notepad, it took a moment for him to ask the next question. "Your teacher reported you dead, yet your body wasn't found. Did you...?"

The greenette sighed, slightly annoyed. "I did not fake my death. Can I talk to him, please?"

The detective met Izuku's gaze, before responding, "Sure, there is no harm in that..."

He stood up without a word, and left the interview room. Minutes passed before his old teacher, Aizawa sensei, entered. He was dressed normally, and, to Izuku's relief, the man was unharmed. However, from the hero's perspective, the green haired boy greatly concerned him. Scanning him, the underground hero noticed every detail, from Izuku's grey, almost necrotic looking skin, to his unusual clothing, worn and barnacle-encrusted. However, despite his concerns, he kept up the facade, and greeted him like it was any other Tuesday. "Problem Child."
Izuku's response, however, cracked the emotionless facade Aizawa always put in front of him. "Sensei..."
It was then that his calm demeanor gave way to his concern, "Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I was? Or how worried Jiro and Shinsou were? Why did you fake your death?"

The greenette's voice didn't have any emotions, dead like he actually was. Though Aizawa didn't know it. "I didn't."

Confused, the answer didn't make sense. He was right here, talking, after all. "What?"

Parsing his jacket and cotton shirt apart, he told his former teacher: "Feel my heart." Aizawa hesitated, before he carefully reached across the table, placing his hand on his former student's chest. It was cold, clammy, and there was no heartbeat.

Retracting in horror, the teacher's wide eyes expressed the question he asked, "How...?"
Izuku chuckled at that. "Davy Jones, the Captain of the Flying Dutchman, brought me on board his ship. I gave him knowledge and a deal. I get revenge, I serve him." 
"You sold your soul..."
Izuku interrupted the man's thoughts with hope. A possible light at the end of the tunnel. "Not yet." With no clue of what he was referring to, Aizawa remained silent, in order to let Izuku continue. And so he did."After I get revenge, I will serve him. That can still be avoided, too."

Aizawa's heart sank at the word. He'd seen one of his closest friends die in front of him. He'd tried his best to minimize the deaths of his former students... but he'd never had a student fall to evil. And that was what he witnessed now. "Revenge...?"
"On everyone. I will kill them all if I see them again. I won't regret it, either."

Shaking his head, the hero needed to know more about the situation. "Who is this Davy Jones...?"
And the greenette explained, "He is the grim reaper, the Devil of the sea. You can't kill him. You can't even harm him. And I just gave him key tips for dealing with modern people."

Aizawa didn't accept this. Denial was the first stage of grief, and he was still grieving the loss of his student. "Then how can we deal with him?"

Izuku looked down, towards the table. There was a way... "There... is a chest of value. Treasure he cares for above his own life. If I were to find it... bring it to you..."
Aizawa nodded, following the logic. "...we could stop him. What are we looking for?"
Izuku continued, giving more information to an answer that he would ask in the future, if given time. "He keeps the key with him at all times, but we could lockpick it easily."

Narrowing his eyes, Eraserhead spoke clearly, "You didn't answer my question."

Meeting his gaze, Izuku said five words of defiance. "And I don't need to."
They locked eyes for a moment, battling wills, before surrendering to his now undead student. "When did you become so jaded, problem child?"

"After being betrayed twice... Every time I help people, I get shafted. It doesn't take a genius to have pattern recognition."

He sighed, as if he were expecting that, "Would you like Jirou's or Shinsou's help?"
Izuku nodded, smiling slightly. Out of his entire class, those two were the best candidates to work with him. "Sure, as long as you have me find it, I'll gladly help."

Leaving the interrogation room, Aizawa met with the detective. "What do you think?"

"He was telling the truth as he sees it." Tsukauchi stated, giving him a file. "We have a description of the ship, the Flying Dutchman. It's a 17th century style ship with cast iron cannons on both sides. Sails appeared to be made of seaweed, but it's not clear from the photo.

"So, a sea based villain..."

"Despite my rational mind... when I looked up the name: Flying Dutchman, I found a lot of ancient records of a ghost ship under that name. It was prolific. I fear this may actually be supernatural, instead of just... a villain."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Aizwa sighed, before closing the file folder. "Am I able to take him in the morning?"

"Yes... but you'll have to do so quietly. The Minetas will want to know what will happen to their son's killer..." 

The raven haired hero nodded, before leaving the precinct for the time being. He'll come back later, after he consulted Nezu about this.

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