One: You Can't be a Beta without a Mate.

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You Can't be a Beta without a Mate.

Stephenie gazed at her Alpha, not believing what she had just heard. The last seventeen years of her life had seemed to crumble before her very eyes as she quickly turned her gaze towards the window to her right. Her eyes took in the snow-covered forest, watching as a few of the younger pack children played out there. Throwing snowballs, building snowmen, and even making snow angels. She kept her gaze out the window, fighting back the urge to scream at her Alpha. She couldn't be Beta. Why couldn't she be Beta? She had done everything that was required. She finished high school and even went through the grueling hours of Beta school to make sure she knew what she would be doing.

"I - " Stephenie paused, catching the sob that almost escaped as she turned her attention back to her Alpha, who only gave Stephenie a sympathetic smile, "I don't understand. I graduated from high school. I graduated top of my class. I graduated top of the Beta Academy." Stephenie watched as her Alpha stood up from her seat and stepped towards the window, her hands crossed behind her back.  She couldn't understand where this had come from. She couldn't understand what had happened for her Alpha to change her mind so suddenly. Stephenie had felt betrayed by this action.

"We've sadly come to learn that you haven't found your mate," Stephenie's blood ran cold. Her lack of having a mate caused this? Stephenie took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. Having a mate had never been a priority to her. She had been driven and focused on becoming a Beta that she didn't think the idea of having her mate could cause such an issue in her growth.

"I'm not allowed to be a Beta...because I don't have a mate?" Stephenie asked slowly, watching as her Alpha turned around. She couldn't understand how or why this would stop her. No law dictated that she needed her mate to be a Beta. Stephenie ran her hand through her curly hair and gave out a sigh. What could she do in this situation? Did she look for her mate? Did she attempt to fight against the actions taken against her?

"What am I supposed to do here?" Looking at her Alpha for guidance, she watched as the older woman turned to face her, a small smile on her lips, which surprised Stephenie. What had her Alpha found amusing? Her Alpha had promised her the Beta title, but now that the pack had been aware of Stephenie not having a mate, the pack yanked it away from her. Stephenie watched as her Alpha ran her hand over her face, looking annoyed by the question.

"You have to find your mate, Steph. I don't particularly appreciate that our Elders have suddenly placed this law on us, but apparently, the humans decided to vote this into law last night. So many Alpha's and Beta's have been forced to step down until they've found their mate," Stephenie held back her growl of frustration and leaned further into the chair before she rested her elbows on her thighs and leaned her head on her hands. The frustration in Stephenie was growing. Ever since they decided to come out to the human world, there had been nothing but trouble with the laws in their society. They had made the stupid choice of allowing humans to dictate their laws.

They decided this to make the humans more comfortable. To give them some stupid sense of security. Stephenie personally felt that it was stupid to give the humans so much power over them. Humans were no longer required to fight in wars. They didn't have to work blue-collar jobs like construction or anything that would require so much physical strain.

"Why do we still allow humans to interfere with something as sacred as this? Our pack is lucky to have an Alpha with a mate, but what about our allied packs? What of the packs still forming to avoid being hunted down by The Hunter's Guild?" Stephenie watched as her Alpha gave out a heavy sigh. This was not a conversation that Stephenie had planned for. She was expecting to be given title today.

"Our allied packs that have mateless Alpha's will be joining our pack for a short time. It was the only conclusion The Elders and a few of us mated Alphas could come to,"

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