Three: The Luna Movement.

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CW: Spicy Mature Scene.

The Luna Movement.

Stephenie and Kimberly were in the packhouse archives for most of their morning. Alpha Lloyd and Luna Lloyd had decided that since they were now allowed to take in humans, it would do both the human mates and non-human mates to educate themselves on the aspects of being in a pack. Though the non-human mates didn't need to learn, it helped the humans understand the traditions and laws when their mate was with them to explain more easily. Kimberly gave out a low sigh and scratched the side of her neck, only to stop when Stephenie had grabbed Kimberly's wrist. 

Kimberly stared at Stephenie, not understanding why she would stop her, but the silence only continued between the two of them. Kimberly couldn't understand why her mark had been driving her crazy all morning. She knew that Stephenie would have told her if there were side effects to the mark, but as far as Kimberly knew, Stephenie never said anything. Giving out another sigh, Kimberly placed the book she had been reading down and looked at Stephenie, who was eating a banana and reading from a large book. 

"Can we please take a break? My eyes are straining to keep focus, and it's giving me a headache - and this stupid mark is itchy! Why won't it stop itching?" Kimberly watched as Stephenie looked away from the book; her brown eyes gazed intently at Kimberly, causing Kimberly to shudder. It was rare for Stephenie to look at Kimberly with the intensity that she had. 

Stephenie finished her banana, pushed the book away from her, and turned in her seat. She took in the change of Kimberly's posture, watching as a small smile played on Kimberly's lips. Biting her lower lip, Stephenie thought her over her words, figuring out a way to articulate them so that she didn't scare Kimberly. Still, regardless of the ways to explain this to Kimberly, Stephenie just couldn't find the right words outside of the truth. 

"Your stupid," Stephenie paused, placing emphasis on the word stupid, "Mark is itchy because we haven't mated yet. The reason why we haven't mated yet is because of your mark." 

Kimberly's hand shot up to her neck, placing it over the mark, feeling self-conscious about it suddenly, "What's wrong with it?" Stephenie watched as fear consumed Kimberly's eyes, causing Stephenie to reach her hands out and lace their fingers together. Stephenie could see the comfort this gave Kimberly, which caused her to smile. At least Stephenie knew that the mark was doing its job in helping with the emotional connection between them. 

"You have what we call a Luna mark. Luna marks are very much different from the usual marks. Most Luna's have a mark, but only a select few have The Luna mark," Stephenie paused, allowing Kimberly to take in this information. This was one of those days where Stephenie was grateful that Kimberly wasn't ignorant when processing information. Especially information like this, "The ones who have the Luna mark are usually consigned to a special academy to teach them the proper ways of running a pack. Recently, though, with humans becoming involved the way they have been for the last sixty years, the academy was shut down." 

"And, the relation to us not mating and my mark?" Kimberly asked, attempting to connect the relationship to her mark and Stephenie not mating with her. Kimberly understood that there may have been a reason why Stephenie was omitting information - granted important information. Kimberly watched as Stephenie ran her hand through her hair and turned in her seat. Kimberly held back her frustration, knowing that this was Stephenie's way of ending a conversation, but Kimberly needed to understand what would happen if they mate. 

"Steph, I understand that something is happening. We both know I have moments where I can be a bit slow, but this is still my life, and I have a right to know that information," Stephenie knew more than anything that Kimberly was right. Kimberly already had a vague idea of how packs work and understood more about the laws than most humans, but this was sacred information that The Elder Council worked hard on keeping from the humans. 

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