Two: The Complications of Humans.

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The Complications of Humans.

Kimberly stood outside of her apartment, staring at the door. She could hear her mother and father once again. She swallowed harshly, not wanting to open the door, not wanting to be dragged into whatever argument they had this time. Kimberly closed her eyes, keeping a tight grip on Stephenie's hand. Even in a moment such as this, Stephenie had been there for her. It had seemed that even after everything that Stephenie had done for Kimberly, it was never enough for her. She had always wanted more from Stephenie. Kimberly wanted the stability that Stephenie had offered. She wanted the family Stephenie had growing up, the love, and the parents who cared for her. 

"Hey," Stephenie whispered, pulling Kimberly from her thoughts. Kimberly looked at Stephenie, taking in the look that Stephenie had been giving her. Kimberly's heart clenched in her chest, understanding that far too much. Stephenie had always been someone who would offer unconditional support - even if that person didn't deserve it, "I'm right here, with you. I promise you and the goddess that I'll keep you safe." Kimberly bit her lip, enjoying the way the word goddess had rolled off of Stephenie's tongue. It gave a reminder to Kimberly that there was a life outside of their small town. 

That she wouldn't always have to be trapped in the small town of Freyford, she knew that once all of this was over, she would be given many chances to leave the town with Stephenie. After all, there had been times where Stephenie had been gone for months at a time, doing pack work. Granted, those months were always lonely for Kimberly.

With a heavy sigh, Kimberly grabbed the doorknob of her apartment, only to step back when the door opened, revealing her baby sister, Samantha - who was fifteen. Kimberly allowed her eyes to take Samantha in, seeing the new black eye she had been sporting. Kimberly reached her hand out to comfort Samantha but stopped when Stephenie released a low growl. That was another thing that Kimberly had always loved about Stephenie. Stephenie cared for Samantha and always wanted what was best for her. It was what originally caused the attraction to Stephenie. 

"Sammy, go wait in my car," Stephenie ordered, causing Kimberly to look down at her sister. Kimberly watched as Samantha held her hand out, not attempting to fight with Stephenie. It had been a long time since Kimberly had ever seen Samantha listen to someone else without a fight. Kimberly didn't understand what had happened between the two of them, but there was no one else that Kimberly wished for to guide her little sister. 

"Let's head inside," Stephenie spoke, taking control of the situation. She held onto Kimberly's hand tightly, forcing her to step into the apartment. The smell of cigarettes and beer consumed Stephenie's nose. Kimberly felt the embarrassment burn at her cheeks as she watched Stephenie hold her free hand up to her nose, almost in an attempt to get rid of the overpowering smell. Kimberly could see Stephenie's body tense for mere seconds, as though she was attempting to not gag at the smell. 

"I'm so sorry," Kimberly whispered. The whisper had barely been audible, but the way Stephenie had looked at Kimberly told her that Stephenie had heard her. Forcing her attention forward, Kimberly took control of the situation and cleared her throat as they came into view of the kitchen. Kimberly watched as her parents turned on their feet, focusing on Kimberly - barely registering that Stephenie had been there. Kimberly's father - Jackson - had stepped towards Kimberly but stopped when Stephenie released a growl, threatening him. 

There was no secret in the town that Jackson and Sophia - Kimberly's mother - had always been physically abusive to their daughters. It was a common thing in the town, especially with the humans. Once the packs started coming in, they took over the town's labor - construction, tree logging, and even the mines - per the dictation of the human council and votes. This meant that the humans found it harder and harder to maintain a job or even get one. The Human council, while aware of the situation, didn't care. They would abuse it if profit were to be made - especially off the backs of non-humans who weren't given fair wages. After all, they were simply that non-humans who work double to triple the number of hours and do double to triple the amount of workload that humans could do. 

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