Ch. 2, "I Love You, Kanao, but my heart belongs to someone else"

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" I love you!, " Kanao was nervous about the response she was going to receive from the boy. Suddenly, she felt a hand go on her waist, " Haha, and I thought I was the only one who felt like this towards you, Kanao.. I love you too," Tanjiro knew that his heart belongs to someone else, but he wanted to move on, since he knows that the boy probably wouldn't return the same feelings back.

Meanwhile, while inusoke was chasing after Zenitsu, the blond stopped, as he heard the two say "I love you" to one another, as he turned to look at the two, his heart felt like it stopped, " HAHA!! YOU THOUGHT YOU CAN OUTRUN INOSUKE THE GREAT MONITSU?!," Inoskue tackled Zenitsu to the ground, but Zenitsu gave no reaction.

His mind was focused on the couple who were.. Kissing.

"OI, MONITSU!! DON'T IGNORE ME!!, " Inoskue was reaching his hands to start to shake the blond, until he saw warm tears dripping down his golden eyes, "OI!! THE HECK- Stop crying dammit!!, ".

" How could I be so stupid..?, " The blond finally spoke, as he stood up, " Eh- nothing new for me, you finally realized how much of a coward you are monistu? WELL DON'T WORRY! INOSKUE THE GREAT WELL TAKE AN OFFER AND TRAIN WITH YOU SO AFTER WORDS YOU CAN FIGHT ME! HAHAHAH!, ".

As inoskue was laughing while having his both hands on his hips, with his eyes closed, he opened them and saw Zenitsu's serious face.

" uh- Monistu? -, " The blond wiped away his tears, and no more would come after words. Zenitsu then started to walk inside the estate to be greeted by Aoi.

"Ah! Zenitsu! You're back!, " The female gave the blond a gentle hug before letting go and noticing Tanjiro's absence, " Uh- Zenitsu, where the heck that kamado guy?, " Zenitsu tried to not let his tears over take him, but just hearing the mention of tanjiro brings back the image of the couple, " H-hey, oi! Zenitsu, why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?!, ".

" N-no, it's fine Aoi-senpie, you should go congratulate the two out side, they've found each other as soulmates," Zenitsu forced in a smile while wiping away his tears, Aoi didn't know if she should be concerned, or be happy about the news.

"O-oh, really?! I'm so happy for them, may I ask who the couple are?, " The female sounded nervous, not wanting to make the blond cry even more, but Zenitsu stopped crying and then giggled, "Silly! It's tanjiro- Kuna and Kanao-san, of course! Who else would it be? I mean, they look so perfect for each other.., " The male couldn't believe what he has said, but it was true, he thought they looked so happy together.

Inoskue didn't know what just happened, until he saw the couple holding hands and smiling at each other, Inosuke thought it was disgusting, he thought "Love" over all was just disgusting.

" Oi! Kamaboko! Do you know what the hell is up with Monitsu today?," Inosuke walked up to kanao and Tanjiro with a "I don't care, but I do care" expression, the both looked confused, {' Oh no, did.. Did I do something wrong to upset Zenitsu-san?.. ' } Kanao thought, "Oh, is that so? Thanks for letting me now Inosuke!, " Tanjiro nervously, but confused, smiled back at Inoskue, he then stood up and looked at Kanao, "I'll go talk to him, you stay here my little butterfly, " Kanao started to turn red, Tanjiro walked inside the building to find two fimiler friends sitting on the couch, Aoi was comforting Zenitsu and playing with his hair, while the blond was hugging onto Aoi and crying his heart out, Tanjiro was beginning to walk closer until Aoi shot him a stare to stay back, "H-hey, Z-zen, what's wrong buddy..?, ".

The blond wiped away his tears even though he knew it wouldn't be any use, his tears would constantly keep on falling, " O-oh, h-hey tanjiro- Kun, I'm fine, nothings wrong trust me!, " He forced a smile on himself, but Tanjiro could sense the boys unease, he sighed and walked closer to the blond until Aoi got up, " didn't I warn u not to get close?! ZENITSU DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU RIGHT NOW! -, ".

" A-aoi-senpie, it's fine.. Thank you for staying close to me, " Zenitsu smiled at the female letting her know it's safe for him to be near, " Tch, whatever, but, if you dare lay a finger on him I'll break any body part of you'ers that hurts Zenitsu. He's already in a bad mood, don't make it worse, " Aoi then walks past Tanjiro while pushing his shoulder aggressively, when the sight of Aoi was no where to be seen, the red haired male walked up to Zenitsu slowly, the blond figured his actions and scooted a little back while looking at the ground, not wanting to face his crush.

" Before you say anything, I'm very happy for you and Kanao, " Zenitsu chuckled a little, but his tone sounded hurt, as if he wanted to rip his heart out for saying that sentence.

Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu and sat next to him, after a moment of silence, Tanjiro decided to break it, " Hey, about, that, " Tanjiro wanted to tell Zenitsu about how much he loved him, but not her, thus, if it were that easy to just confess to someone you love, then everyone would have found a partner by then.. Right?

Kanao was watching the whole scene, she was confused at what was happening, but she felt as if everything was her fault, she then thought of making it up to them by talking her friends out for a walk, and maybe go to a food stand on their way.

" I can't see my friend Zenitsu and my boyfriend upset like this, even though I'm not sure what's really going on, I-I'll have to make it up to them!, " Kanao mumbled to her self and then headed out to plane everything.

Meanwhile, with Agatsuma and Kamado, they were both having a conversation, with tanjiro being the first one to start it off of course.

" Hey Tanjiro, " Zenitsu didn't face the red haired male at first, but then looked at him with a small but soft smile, which made Tanjiro's heart skip a beat, "I was wondering, if-" Both of the males were startled by hearing a box move, until Tanjiro figured who it was, " Don't worry Zenitsu, it's just Nezuko!, " Tanjiro smiled at him, while Zenitsu was still a little surprised, " NEZUKO-CHANNN!!~, " Zenitsu saw a very little female crawling out of the box, Tanjiro went in front of Nezuko, protecting her from Zenitsu, " Zenitsu! Don't go near my sister, hmp!, " The boy pouted at the blond, while Zenitsu then spelled out the red haired boys name, and started to chase after them.

" OIII! THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER HERE?! WHO IS BOTHERING MY BEAUTY SLEEP!!, " The femaled face male entered the room with a angry expression, though it wasnt clear because he had a boar mask over his head, but by his tone, the male sounded like he wasn't having none of it.

" IT ISN'T EVEN TIME TO GO TO SLEEP STUPID BOAR! - GAHH! -" Inosuke started to chase after his friends.

" P-Please stop chasing us Inosuke!, " Tanjiro hoped that he would stop, but knowing Inosuke, he won't stop until he gets what he wants, and in this case, was his sleep that was ruined by two males yelling.

"mhmmm! Mmm! " (Zenitsu! look out! -)

"Huh? -" Suddenly Zenitsu tripped over air what it seemed, and fell over Tanjiro.

" Guh- W-what happ- AAA!!! WHAT THE HECK?!, " The blond male felt his face heat up as he was now on top of tanjiro. " U-Um, Zenitsu.. I don't want to sound rude but.. C-can you please get off?, " The flustered boy looked at the red faced blond, " Y-yeah! S-SORRY TANJ!, " The boy quickly got off of Tanjiro, bowing down to him many times, apologizing to him, as the whole scene was going on, none of them noticed that Kanao has been watching his whole time, until, Nezuko mentioned it, "Mmmmm, " (Oh, hey Kanao-san!) Kanao was in disbelief, was, Tanjiro cheating on him? Nezuko didn't know that Tanjiro and Kanao were dating since she was sleeping the whole time, " T-Tanjiro.. W-why?, " Inosuke then got into the conversation without wanting to, but he didn't want kanao to have the wrong idea, he just, couldn't care less, if he were to do honest, "Oi, don't think the wrong thoughts, Monistu was just a clumsy a-shole and tripped and fell on Kamaboko over here, " Kanao sighed in relief.


" Oh.. Than.. "

" .. Why is it that you guys are holding hands..? "

Word count: 1471


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