Chapter six

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A ding sounded through the small restaurant kitchen as you slid your phone out your back pocket. Connie and his little group chat had been blowing up your phone all day but you were paying them no mind. All you wanted was to get through the last five minutes of your shift and go home.

Sighing, you dry the dish water off and then dry the dishes next before putting them back with the others. It was Friday meaning that the weekend started tomorrow and you would also be getting paid. That was the only thing pushing you as you brushed past your coworkers and into the bathroom.

You sigh and pull down your pants before squatting over the toilet seat. The bathroom was quiet clean but you still refused to sit on it even with the "toilet tissue keeping the germs at bay". It wasn't that you thought your co workers were dirty it was just the though of your bare ass being on the same seat as theirs made you uncomfortable.

It's only been a few seconds before there is a knock on the door startling you. You pull on the tissue and wipe yourself before flushing. "just a minute!"

you can hear a groan on the other end and quickly start to wash your hands before drying them. Grasping the door, you pull it open as your eyes meet Armins. "Y/n!"

his words make you jump as you furrow your eye brows. "why didn't you just tell me it was you. I was rushing for no reason."

"I didn't know it was you that was in there either." He huffs then runs his hand through his hair in an attempt to keep it out of his face. I grin watching as it falls back over his eyes, restricting his vision.

"You need a haircut." You step out of the bathroom as he frowns and follows you. "what was it you wanted though?"

"Can you please help me cover the next shift? Are  you leaving?" He pleads with his eyes and you pull out your phone to check the time.

"Sorry Armin, I cant, I just got off three minutes ago and I need to go feed my cat." You turned to him, noticing as he pressed his lips into a thin line. Fuck he's been over your house before.

There was almost three seconds of hesitation before he furrowed his eyebrow at your words. "You don't have a cat."

A laugh slipped past your lips as you got ready to lie once more. "I just got one yesterday."

Turning around, you quickly go to the back and grab your bag before he could protest. You would make sure to apologize next time you saw him but you had already been there since morning.

Your fingers are quick against your screen as you spend some of the last bits of your paycheck on an uber. You didn't mind though since you were already getting paid tomorrow. A smile pulled at your lips as you realized you had the rest of the day off and for some reason you felt like tomorrow would be a good day.

You slam the door shut behind you before kicking off your shoes and putting them on the rack. Annie's eyes meet yours as you see her sitting on the couch eating an apple. "I saw your boyfriend at work today."

Walking past her and going to the fridge, You pull out some blue berries and start to wash them. 

"he's not my boyfriend." She leans over the couch and you can feel her gaze on your back as she takes another bite of her apple.

You pour them into a bowl then give her an obviously fake wink. "Sure."

She blinks a few times before tilting her head and narrowing her eyes. "Don't act like you haven't been sneaking around with Eren. I was up when you got home a few nights ago."

Your heart skips a beat and you suck in a breath. "I was just out studying."

"Sure." A grin sits on her face as you shoot a glare in her direction. "It's so obvious he likes you I don't know why you're acting like you don't see it."

Annie turns to face the tv again and you can feel heat spread through your body as you walk back past her and into your room. Shutting the door, you pick through the blueberries and eat just enough to have something on your stomach before my shower.

The rest of the night was easy because all you had to do was finally go to sleep without stressing about having class the next day. So as expected you slept like a baby and didn't wake up throughout the night just once.

"I always forget how average your house is Sasha." your eyes scan past the doorway and into her living room as she stepped to the side letting you in. It reminded of the houses they would have in the movies. Not too big or too small just there and existing. 

Walking further in, your eyes meet Connie's and Jeans as they both stood up leaning over the back of the couch. You could recognize Connie's buzzcut anywhere.

 Running your fingers through his prickly hair, Connie quickly turns around and immediatly pulls you into a hug. "Y/n!"

You hold your breath as you stood on your tippy toes struggling to hug him back. "I missed you too, Connie, but you'remaking it kinda hard for me to breath right now."

"Really cause I got this new cologne and i didnt know if it was too much or not-"

"You're squeezing me too tight you dumbass!" shoving him away, you look up at him as he starts to rub the back of his neck.Jean laughs before giving you asmall hug.

"Sorry."Connie's hands immediatly drop to his side as you make eye contact with him.

"Your new cologne does smell good though, I like it." Dragging a finger down his chest he smiles before quickly grabbing your hand. 

"Thank you, Y/n. You never fail to change the mood." His eyes are on your but shift behind you as he yanks you towards him. "What is that?!"

His grip was tight on your shoulder as you stared at a bug on the wall. He was holding you in front of him using you as a shield. Eyes widen as Jean squeals next to you. "Sasha, you let a bug in!"

Time skip to next day and we're at Sasha's house. They see a bug and Connie and Sasha scream high pitched and jump on each other. They beg jean to kill it but when they spray it it starts to fly making them jump on Jean who was next to us making us fall on Eren. Sasha jumps on Mikasa.

After we fall on Eren we get flustered and quickly get up because we landed on his crotch with out hand on him chest. We help him up and try to hide our flustered face then walk out the room.

Later that night we all watch a movie and fall asleep. We fall asleep leaning against Eren's shoulder. Halfway through the night we wake up and notice he's gone then go out on the balcony and have a deep conversation with him. We end up talking all night and before we knew it it was morning.

avoiding talk about abusive ex.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 E. JaegerWhere stories live. Discover now