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What happens to us after we die? This is arguably the the most popular question that this small world of ours has to offer. If you were the religious type, you may say that we go to Heaven or Hell at the time of our death, where we will be either eternally rewarded, or eternally punished depending on the type of life we lived in the small amount of time allotted to us. Some simply believe that you ascend to a level of peacefulness that we humble servants of life could never attain during our lives on earth, known to many simply as "A Happy Place." Some believe that you never really die at all, and that upon the moment of your death, you are reborn in another form, this method is recognized as reincarnation, but this ideal is a tad far fetched in my opinion. Truthfully most people haven't even the slightest notion of what would happen to them after death. Would they come back as some insignificant creature? Would they ascend to that level of peaceful rest that we all strive for? Or does our life ever really end at all?

Imagine a life after death... an Afterlife if you will, that would allow you to get a second chance at life. If your life was one crowded by mistakes, you would have a chance to make amends for them. If you lived a dull and lethargic life, and wished that you could have enjoyed your life more... now's your chance...but you better make the most of it, for once its over... that's it. No more second chances. This, as a certain young girl was about to discover, was the real adventure that would occur, after an unexpected incident, resulting in her death, would send her into a world where she would be given a second chance to turn her new life in a different direction. One that would either lead her to a glorious end that she could be proud of, or one that would lead her to her ultimate doom and destruction....

The first thing Fiara Morrison remembered upon waking up, was a bright light, shining directly into her green eyes from some point above her. Her first thoughts were, 'Where am I? Am I in a hospital of some sort? What even happened?' Now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember anything that had happened to her in the last hour. 'Wait... where is Dara?!' she wondered, suddenly recalling one small thing. The last thing she remembered was driving with her twin sister, Dara...they were arguing about something... then the rest gets a bit foggy.

Fiara turned her head towards her left in attempts to allow her eyes a rest from the excruciatingly bright light above her, and allow them to properly adjust to her surroundings. The moment the dark shadows faded from her vision, she furrowed her brows in confusion as she took note of the strange room she'd been placed in.

The walls and ceiling were made up of a dark, stained wood that ran up the walls and joined in the center of the ceiling, where a large circle of fluorescent light was situated, which was bright enough to fill every corner of the room with a bright light, giving everything a slight glossy shine. The only furniture in the room seemed to be the bed on which Fiara was currently lying, which was just a simple wooden frame, with nothing more on it than a mattress and sheet. Fiara then sat up slowly to gain a better vantage point, when she noticed a few things that had changed about her own appearance.

Previously, she'd been wearing a pair of jeans and a pink floyd t-shirt, but now she'd been changed into what looked like a set of white hospital scrubs, and her red, curly hair was now hanging loosely around her shoulders, rather than being tied back in the french braid she'd had it in before. The other thing she noticed was, as she sat up, she felt a brief moment of pain in her chest. Concerned, she reached her hand up to feel if there was something wrong, but as far as she could tell, there was nothing wrong, and before she could worry about it more, the sensation vanished. She was just about to attempt getting out of bed and walking around the dark carpeted floor of the room, when suddenly, a door she hadn't noticed before opened, and two boys who appeared to be around her own age entered.

The first boy entered the room silently before stepping to the side and leaning against the wall beside the door, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for the other to enter. Both boys were relatively similar in appearance, both of them having similar heights, dark hair and eyes, and tanned tones to their skin, however they didn't look like they were related to each other. Their mannerisms also were another thing that set them apart from each other. While the first boy seemed more like the quiet type who preferred to be left alone, the second seemed much more approachable and out going as he took a few steps closer to the bed where Fiara was seated.

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