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Sunlight streamed through the open window of Fiara's room, filling the entire area with the bright morning sun as a warm gentle breeze made its way throughout the room, enriching it with the beautifully fragrant smells of nature. The sound of birds chirping in the trees along with the sound of people's voices in the streets below, alerting her ears that the morning had arrived as she slowly opened her eyes, rolling over in her bed to face the window as she took in the new day. Even though the day before had been a bit taxing on her mental stability, she felt much more at peace today. Perhaps it was because she had accepted what had happened to her, and was ready to take on this new world, now that she knew more about it. Maybe it was because she was going to see Santino and Diego soon. They had been so understanding of her yesterday, and they really helped her to regain control of herself as she tried to mentally piece together everything that was happening to her. Even though it was just part of their job to do that, it didn't change the way she felt about it.

Realizing that she didn't want to waist even a second in starting her new life, she threw off the warm covers that had been shielding her from beginning the day as she sat up, draping her feet over the side of the bed as she stretched the remaining remnants of sleep out of her limbs. Once she was satisfied that she had stretched to perfection, she then slid out of the comfortable bed, and made her way over to the desk, where the stack of clothes were still waiting for her to use. She then proceeded to remove the white scrubs she'd been provided with the day before, placing them on the desk beside the other clothes as she gradually exchanged each article of clothing for the new ones provided.

The first thing she changed into was the fresh shirt, which as the book had stated, was white in color, to identify her as a new arrival. She pulled the new shirt on, and was partially surprised when she found it to be her exact size. I say partially due to the fact that she had already suspected that the clothing sizes would probably match her own, seeing as how they already knew everything else about her, why would her clothing size be any different? The shirt appeared to be a simple long sleeve with no designs on it what so ever. Though as she noticed the day before, most people here wore their clothing that way, without any form of decorations or logos on any of their clothing. She then moved on to the pants, which appeared to be some form of black skinny jeans or other, which also fit like a glove when she pulled them on. She then finished off the look by pulling on the simple pair of white socks provided, along with the pair of what sort of resembled combat boots, which also seemed to be a pretty average thing for people to wear in this place, all of which fit her measurements perfectly. "Okay... that's pretty dang satisfying," she said to herself as she marveled at the fact that all the clothing items fit her perfectly, and that the workers hadn't missed a single thing in selecting the items for her.

Then, almost as if they had figured out her timing to the very second, there came a knock at the door, followed by a young female voice saying, "Room service." Fiara jumped slightly at the unexpected voice, before instantly calming herself and walking over to the door, opening it to find what appeared to be a short, young girl, maybe twelve years old with blonde, wavy, short hair, reaching only to just below her chin in length. She also had a slight tan, like most of the others in Afterlife, and a pair of the darkest brown eyes you could ever imagine, along with a bright smile that seemed to match what Fiara would soon find out to be a very sweet and bubbly personality.

"Good morning," the girl said with what sounded like an Australian accent. "We checked your file and found out that you favored waffles for breakfast. I hope you like them," she added as she rolled her cart into the room, lifting the canopy off the plate to reveal a short stack of what looked like the most mouth watering plate of waffles Fiara had ever seen. They had the most perfect crisp to them, showing that they had been cooked to perfection, with syrup that gave them a slight glisten, just begging her to take a bite, along with a few ripe strawberries covered in a light dusting of powdered sugar, along with what looked like a small bowl of whipped cream on the side. "We weren't sure if you would want the whipped cream or not, so we just put it on the side," the girl explained. Fiara had a tendency of flip flopping whether or not she would want to have whipped cream on her waffles, so it was a good move on their part to just put it on the side.

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