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When Fiara stepped outside, she was surprised to find that the outdoors actually looked reasonably similar to what she'd always known in life, only this time around, humanity was doing things the right way, so everything had a much more beautiful look to it that she'd never seen before. The building they had just exited was located in some form of city, or town, with cobble stone streets and buildings made of many different forms of materials, some of which she couldn't even identify due to how advanced they looked. The city itself was located in what looked like a massive forest, that seemed to be unending, with trees taller, thicker, and more beautiful than anything she'd ever seen. It was as if the place had never known pollution of any kind. Some trees were so big, and so strong, that houses were even mounted on the the sides of the trees, even miles above ground, with some form of elevator like devices that would take you from the bottom to the top at impressive speeds. It looked like something out of a futuristic fairytale, striking her with a sense of awe that she never thought she'd ever experience.

She then turned her attention to the people working around her. As in our world, there were swarms of people moving here and there, trying to get to their jobs, or any other activities they may perform in their day to day lives. She also took note of the fact that everyone dressed differently here. They didn't wear clothing with brand names or fandom references on them like we do, they wore clothing of a more simple nature, a simple pair of pants, shirt, and boots seemed to serve for most of them, other than a few of them which she noticed seemed to dress a little odd in comparison to the others.

Multiple people walking amongst the crowds were wearing clothing with only darker shades, and other attachments of oddly cut cloth or hoods that may help them blend in to different forms of environments. They each also carried around weapons of some sort. Some with simple weapons like knives or guns, and others with more flashy weapons like swords and spears. Weapons that you wouldn't expect to see people carrying about every day. Either way, it seemed like only these dark clad characters were allowed to carry them, seeing as how no one else seemed to be armed in any way shape or form, causing her to wonder what set them apart from the others.

Having seen all this, and realizing there was no way any of this could be fake, she then looked down at her bare feet, fidgeting with her toes slightly as she realized that everything Diego and Santino had told her was true. There really was an afterlife... and this was it... and it was beautiful... but that also meant that the other part was true too... she was dead. A single tear slid down her cheek as she bit her lip to avoid crying as she kept her gaze downward, not wishing to make it too obvious that she was crying. Though maybe he would understand... he had been through all this too after all. She wondered why he hadn't said anything yet, but she assumed he was probably just allowing her some time to process everything. She did just come to the realization that she was dead after all, even from the outside, anyone could assume that that would be quite a mouthful to swallow. "Its all true... isn't it?" she muttered as she composed herself enough to finally raise her head and look over at him, eyes still slightly red from the tears she'd shed before she managed to compose herself enough to show her face. Santino didn't say anything, he simply offered her a slight nod to confirm her statement. She then wiped any remaining traces of tears off her cheeks before she said with a little more confidence, "So what happens now?"

"Now," Santino began, looking around at his surroundings briefly as he continued, saying, "We find a place for you to stay. We have a temporary housing area over there," he pointed to a tall structure that resembled something similar to an apartment building situated beside the arrival building. "You can stay there for a while until you find a group to live with."

"What do you mean a group?" she questioned, wondering what it would entail. Perhaps it was just some form of shared living situation?

"When you are assigned to your living quarters, you'll be given a short booklet to read. Pay attention to everything inside... it will explain everything you need to know," Santino explained as he continued to look in the direction of the building before turning to face her and adding, "I can take you over there now if you like, but once you're there you'll be on your own for the rest of the day."

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