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Santino could only watch as the giant dinosaur came into view. It was still a reasonable distance away, and seemed to be moving at a surprisingly slow pace, unlike the usual break neck speeds you would see in the movies, so that would luckily give him some time to come up with some sort of plan to take it down. Even though it currently wasn't hurting anyone, a T-rex was too dangerous to just leave wandering around. 'But how do I take this thing down? I really wish Dan had given me more specifics about the species we were dealing with before I agreed to this, then maybe I would have been able to come up with a better plan.'

He could see his fellow teammates rushing to make their way back towards his position from their previous posts, but he had a feeling he was only really going to need one of them, to complete his plan. 'It's not the best I've come up with, but given the situation, it should do the trick,' he thought to himself before rushing in Marcus' direction.

"Santino! What's the plan?" called Diego from across the way, trying not to cross in front of the dinosaur and risk turning it towards the city with his movement.

Santino grimaced briefly as he paused in his run to yell over to Diego, time was short and they needed to be quick or his plan wouldn't work. "I need all of you to cause a distraction, use your whistles and movements to keep the dino's attention off of me and Marcus for a little while. Make sure to stay out of it's range please, I don't need any of you dying on me. Marcus, you're with me. Now go!" he shouted loud enough for all his teammates to hear over the rumble of the dinosaur's foot steps. He then continued to run towards Marcus as quickly as possible, the others rushing back to start the first part of Santino's plan, trusting that he knew what he was doing.

Santino finally stopped his run as he and Marcus met up behind a large tree, using it's size to hide their movement from the T-rex as Santino began preparation for the next phase of his plan.

"What's the plan?" Marcus asked as he arrived behind the tree, where Santino was already hard at work turning a strong branch into a spear with his axe. The sounds of whistles and other attempts to keep the creature occupied could already be heard in the background as the rest of the team was already hard at work distracting the dinosaur.

"Please tell me you still have that, dynamite?" Santino said in a rushed manner as he quickly inspected the make shift spear for anything that could prevent it from being thrown properly.

"I believe so," Marcus replied as he quickly removed his small pack of survival gear and placed it on the ground between them as he began rummaging through it until he found a small bundle of dynamite that had been provided to them for emergency situations. "Here," he said as he handed it over and took a quick glance around the trunk of the tree to see how the rest of their group was fairing against the dinosaur. So far they seemed to be holding their own, and the loud noises seemed to be frustrating the creature enough to stop it from moving forward for the time being at least. By the time he looked back at Santino, he saw that Santino had already managed to attach most if not all of the dynamite to various sections of the spear, and was now beginning to attach the necessary detonation receivers to the dynamite. "Mind filling me in?" he asked, wondering what Santino's plan was for the dynamite spear.

"None of us are strong enough to take down a T-rex of that size, on our own," Santino explained quickly as he finished attaching the last of the devices before handing the spear over to Marcus adding, "If you can get a clear shot, we may just be able to blow that thing's head clear off."

"Why me?" Marcus questioned, wondering why he would need to be the one to make the throw when Santino could do it just as well as he. Then he noticed the large bruise still in the process of forming on the left side of Santino's forehead and part of his cheek, along with the small stream of blood originating from a relatively small cut near the top of the bruising area.

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