Chapter Four

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I just thought this picture fit the book so perfectly

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I just thought this picture fit the book so perfectly.... Sooo, I just randomly added it to this chapter... ❤❤❤

      Enjoy the chapter!!! ❤❤❤

"I don't think I can do it," I whispered, eyeing the ground below.

"Yes you can Gwen, just let go of your happy thoughts and down you go." Peter reassured me, but the wounds from my last attempt at landing were still at the forefront of my mind.

"Remember what happened last time?" I bargained.

Peter went beside me and placed both hands on my shoulders, resting his chin on my head. "That was your first try and you obviously had no idea what you're doing, besides," He spun around to face me with his arms crossed, "if you fall i promise to catch you."

I shot him a teasing glare before taking a deep breath to settle myself. Closing my eyes, I emptied my mind of happy thoughts one at a time. Just as I was about to give up, I felt the tip of my toe hit the sand, then the rest of my toes, and then finally my heel. I opened my eyes, jumping up and down as I realized what I did.

"I knew you could do it," Peter flaunted, landing beside with much more ease.

I threw my arms around him in a hug, "Thank you Peter pan!"

"You're welcome, just keep practicing until you can't get it wrong."

I nodded, eager to perfect my skill.

I smiled as I remembered what it felt like to be with Peter, he always could make me laugh. I let the memories fade as I spiraled to the ground, landing in a handstand before dropping to the sand in a giggle.

"Next time a warning would be nice!"

Amanda stood over me, her hair a frizzy mess. I stood up, brushing the specks from my breeches.

"Sorry, there was no time to explain." I thought about Drake's angry face as we barreled through the window.

"Also, YOU CAN FLY?!?" She picked up my arm to peer at the remains of pixie dust embedded on my body. "That's seriously so cool!"

I nodded. "I can teach you later if you want?"

"Yes please."

I could tell she was already dreaming of something by the far off look in her eye.

"My father lives right through those trees," I jumped, almost swatting Gideon with my hand. He flew between my fingers, landing on my shoulder.

"Oh my word, I'm so sorry!"

"It was an accident no doubt, you are forgiven."

He flew off my shoulder and beckoned me forward. After checking behind me to make sure Amanda was following us, I started walking after him.

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