Chapter Six

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"I need to leave," I whispered to myself as I picked up my remaining belongings. I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't stand to see Peter infatuated with Wendy. I picked up my books from my bookshelf, debating whether or not I should take them as well. I put them back down, the room was too empty without them and they would drag me down on the flight back.

"Gwen?" I felt arms wrap around my waist before they pulled me close against them. Out of habit I sunk against Peter, a sigh escaping my lips. "Where are you going?"

His question reminded me of my anger, using my elbow I shoved out of his arms and turned to face him. " I'm leaving!"

His eyes went wide and he reached out to grab my hand. "Wait, why? Princess what's going on!"

"I saw you and Wendy in the forest, she has not even met me, she has no idea we are dating. When she kissed you she had no idea you were taken, when you kissed her back, when she let off and you kissed her again, you knew you were." I pulled my hand away, waiting for something, anything to make me change my mind.

Peter closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair, hair that I had played with a thousand different times. "I'm sorry Gwen i am, I like Wendy and in the heat of the moment i forgot about my loyalty to you."

I shook my head. "You like her?" I bit back my tears.

Peter sighed and pulled me into a hug as I began to cry. He picked me up like I was feather and carried me to my bed, sitting down and holding me like a child on his lap. "I like Wendy, but Gwen I love you!" He rested his head on mine.

"I know Peter, I love you too!"

He wrapped his hand behind my neck and captured my lips. Our kiss was much more passionate than our normal ones. Peters were begging me to stay and mine were trying to say goodbye.

I pulled away and climbed from his grasp, standing by the window. I grabbed my satchel that had dropped onto the floor and turned once more to the window, hiccuping at ineffective attempts at keeping myself together. I looked once more as Peter sat on my bed with his hands trembling and on the verge of tears himself.

"Unless i am your only choice, i will not be your choice at all," and with a broken heart i jumped, and landed on the wind. Peter didn't chase me, I would have stayed if he had followed.

I made my way through the halls, trying to recall where the dining room was. I knew it was somewhere on the East side but with all the new rooms it seems my memory was failing me.

"Peter sent me to fetch you, he figured you would have gotten lost."

"Hello Adrien, thank you." I nodded at him, silently pleading with him to forgive me.

He would not even look at me, silently moving ahead, trying to avoid the awkwardness that was hung amidst the air. I stared at his back, admiring his new clothes. Adrien always used to wear the same brown leather pants and vest, showing off his boyish build and tanned skin. He now wore a green top that was sleeveless, still matching the top with a pair of sewn up green pants and as I remembered, finishing his look with no shoes, preferring the freedom of nothing encasing his feet. I looked down at my breeches, blouses, and boots, perhaps I would ask Peter for a set of my old clothes.

"It's a lot different than I remember," I stated, knowing we were almost at the dining hall. I was beginning to hear the chatter even through the walls.

"Well the world does not stop turning simply because you aren't here!" I could hear the anger in his tone and I could see the tenseness that rippled from his head to his toes.

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