Chapter Five

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"Would you please keep your eyes closed, you're going to ruin your surprise and then what will we do?"

I giggled and reluctantly shut my eyes, willing Peter to guide me carefully around the roots and branches he had let me hit before. "Only if you promise to let me lead you around the forest blindfolded."

He let out a snort. "When I'm dead."

I laughed, only Peter could make me enjoy such stupid humor. I felt him wrap me in his arms as we stopped, he took my hands and spun me, making my head spin. "Are we there?" I pleaded, my excitement rapidly increasing.

"Yes Gwen," Peter whispered in my ear, tickling the small hairs on my neck. "Three, two, one.... Open!"

I opened my eyes and gasped. "Peter, it's gorgeous!" I drifted away from his side to fully take in the scene before me. Candles hung from trees like stars in the sky, lighting a small picnic full of my favorite foods. I ran to the food and immediately opened the small jar of my favorite dessert cheesecake.

Peter had the biggest smile on his face as he walked over and sat down next to me, laying his head on my shoulder as I chewed. "I love you," He whispered, taking my empty hand and kissing it.

I looked over at him in amazement. Peter Pan said he loved me, and I loved him back. A tear slid down my cheek as a sigh escaped my lips. He looked up at me, taking his hand to stroke my cheek. He was beautiful in this moment, like an angel, and even if it was just for this moment, he was mine.

"I love you too Peter, I think I always have." A smile broke from me as I repeated his words.

He pulled his other hand away to use both to stroke my cheeks, wiping away my tears. With the gentlest hand, he pulled my face to his and put his lips on mine. I could feel his smile, his uttermost joy at our moment through his touch. I wrapped my elbow around his head, resting it in his hair. "I love you Gwen, I love you so much it hurts." He had rested his forehead on mine, pulling away to whisper more sweet words straight to my heart.

I laughed, breaking the silence with my delight. I just had my first kiss, and it was beautiful. He looked at me for a second before leaning back and joining my laughter, our noise bouncing off the trees and echoing through the woods.

We stopped after a few seconds and just sat there holding hands. I had laid my head on his chest, enjoying the rhythm of his heart and the warmth he provided through his tunic. "Your laugh is the most beautiful thing i've ever heard," I confessed, snuggling closer to him.

"The most beautiful sound I have ever heard is simply when you say my name."

I sat up in shock. "That was the most romantic thing you have ever said, and I still can't believe you said that to me!"

He sat up too, picking up a grape and popping it into his mouth. "Why? My Gwen, if you could look at you through my eyes, you would believe that those words are indeed true!"

I mocked him, placing my hand over my heart and played faint. "Who would have thought the great Peter Pan was romantic? What would the Lost Boys say?"

"If the Lost Boys are told, then I shall have to tickle you to death, and then who will keep my secrets?" He placed his fingers over my ribs daring me to challenge him.

I shrieked and threw my hands up, "I surrender, I surrender!" He nodded in triumph and pulled me in for one last kiss before eating more food. I looked at him, took his hand again and joined him on our feast.

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