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(A/N: please don't judge my wrong grammars and typo it’s my first time to write. Thanks for your consideration *^O^*)

Hi? umm... my name is Johanne Gaille Alcantara. I'm a graduating student of an unknown school. I'm not smart and definitely not beautiful for their eyes. Umm...what else? Oh I play badminton but it’s just for fun. Well, I'm proud to say that even I'm simple I don't get that bullied at school. Our school may not be known for its academic achievements, but it is known to be a school full of bullies. And my boring life story now begins...

I live with my family at our small, humble home near our school. It’s just one ride away so it’s typically near. I have an elder sister her name is Gabrielle Jaise Alcantara (pronounced as Jays) she's four years older than me. Well we're just typical family, financial problems and cat fights inside the house are normal. Yet, even with our situation we still love each other. Oh I have a friend; her name is Elliannore Marice Ortez my so called best friend. We don't call each other best friend but we treat each other like one, the reason behind it is because we believe that no one is the best there's always someone better than the best.

What else? Oh I can play the drums. It’s really fun to play the drums, it is where I bring out all my feelings. Before when we were kids, Elly and I planned to build a band. She’ll be the vocalist and I’ll be the drummer. We even tried to recruit other members, but we realized as we got old that it was just a child’s dream and it will never happen.

When we were elementary I used to pick up a fight with anyone, well not literally anyone but with our male classmates specifically. I used to kick their asses for not so much good reasons. I used to be the bully for the boys but I was bullied by the girls because I can’t pick up a fight with a girl. I don’t know why? I can’t remember much of that. But actually I can't remember most of my childhood memories maybe its normal. So back to my story, don’t think that I’m bisexual okay I just have that different feeling that... I don’t know the reason behind it. Okay if you don’t believe me I’ll tell you a secret, once I had a crush for about 3 years. I don’t know but I think I loved him even if we we’re to young for love. He was my first love. He was so weak, and I really mean weak. He used to cry whenever we have to recite something in class. He was my friend , I used to have many friends in grade school; but now is different. He used to cry over simple things and because of that I always hit him for him to be strong. It’s not good to hear this from me but I used to do that for him to notice me. Whenever he cries I’ll slap his hand to make him cry more and say words that I think make him feel bad. All I did had an advantage and disadvantage, he became stronger and didn’t cry that much. When we we’re grade 6, he was in a different section, he had more friends because he changed. He became the campus crush, and because of that he didn’t noticed me anymore. But, one day a friend of ours had known my secret he said it to him in front of me and I saw his reaction it was awful I felt like my heart was crushed into a thousand pieces. I just said to him that it was not a funny joke and laughed bitterly. He laughed and said to me that we felt the same, I was never his type. Because of that my blood went into my head and grabbed his head and bumped it to the door. I saw him fell on the floor before I leave. I know that what I did was wrong but it hurts too much that it came from him. It really does. Is that enough for you to believe me that I’m not bisexual? I hope so.

Oh I forgot. Before we graduated I never had spoken to him after that incident and it still hurts me whenever I remember it. It’s one of the memories I only remember from my childhood.

I also had a very close friend. She was my best friend before Elly. She used to compete with everything I do. I didn’t take it in a bad way before. She knows that I loved him before; she was the one that told my other friend about it because of great insecurity. I used to be called one and she used to be called two. We we’re always together, we we’re more than friends that time we I mean I treated her as my sisters. She said that she likes him too, she begged for me to help her to be close to him and as a friend and masochist I helped her with him. But one day, one bad news came to me. I overheard her discussion with one of our classmates that I was just a toy for her, a toy to destroy and she never had treated me as a friend and especially as a sister. It broke my heart more and the incident with him came my way. What a great grade school days I had.

oh I forgot tomorrow is our first day at school as graduating students and I'm so excited to get out of that freaking school and start a new life without them.

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