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(A/N: this part is again not edited sorry y^o^y)

Rowel's POV

it has been a week since I saw her... I never thought that it will all end up like this. Itcs been a week since the search operation for her had started. The police didn't saw her remains, so there's a big possibility that she's still alive. And I'm really hoping that she survived that fire, but the thought of... she didn't still bothers me allot. I saw her family cry and loose hope yet I can see the fire from her sisters eyes that gives me hope.


I saw Rowel went out the house with Marlon...He looked back at me...I smiled at him...cause I know this is the end... I will always be thankful for everything he had done for me.

Idiot he didn't do anything to help you.

I know he has a reason why...

why he let us down... why he let us suffer in his father's hands?

Yes. Please Samantha don't let our past hinder us from getting in the gates of heaven.

There's no such thing Gaille... only the gates of hell will open for us.

I do believe that once you learn to forgive we'll both be happy.

Happy? I will never be happy.

I'll help you.

I don't need your help, cause there's no way I'll be happy. They all let me down, and also let me down... you left me hanging... I mean fall to the darkest and deepest depths of your past.

I really did...I know I don't deserve everything that I had once enjoyed while ignoring you.

Yes... It's really your fault! You did this to me...

Yes I did... and I'm really sorry

you know what...I can't believe that we are just only one.


because we're complete opposites. Your too kind while I'm too cruel and bad. Your jolly while I'm miserable. Your full of hopes and dreams while I'm full of envy and hatred. Your the light while I'm the dark...

I'm really sorry for letting all this happen to us...If I only had that courage of yours. Your brave while I'm weak. Your all this world needs not me. But I won't allow you to hurt anyone because of me. I'm sorry that all this happened and now I'll end all this since I started it. I must do what is right. Will you come with me? Will you join me? I extended my hand to her amd she received it and we walk together in this hot and burning house... this is the end.

goodbye... Rowel... Marlon... Mom... Dad... Jaise...Elly... Rei-Rei...Matt... Lucas and Amielle... Sorry if I can't return... Forgive me for letting this happen and letting you all down. I love you all ... I will always do

and darkness fill our way...

Someone's POV

"Is she alright? it's been two days since she woke up."

"I know she'll be alright. Even she's still staring in mid air"

"I hope so. We can't help her if she's still like that. I am very positive that she'll make it."

"I also do"

(A/N: sorry of this part is soooooo short. Please continue readind thanks :-))

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