BACK, and good as new

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(A/N: again guys this part is not edited so sorry for the typos and wrong grammars)

My feet had brought me into this subdivision or village that seemed to be somehow familiar. I continued walking until I felt something different.  I looked aroud to check if someone's following me. But there was no one. I continued walking until I passed by this house. It seemed to be somehow burned but no totally burned. There's something about this house.  I crossed the street towards it. There was this small mailbox that seemed to be eaten by grass. I removed the grass that's eating it up and saw letters writen on it Sa......

"Gaille!" I heard the guy from the cemetery call i immediately hid behind the bushes and slowly walked towards the back of the of house

"Matt are you sure you saw her walk this way?"  Elly

"Yes I'm sure but where did she go after here? She not that 'a fast walker' but how did she go?" Matt

"Come on let's just look for her"

"Gaille...Gaille" they called and when they seemed to be far I stood up and continued walking. But before I even totally got away from that house I slipped and here i am now scratched all overy knees and BLOOD! I don't know but i feel so weak when I see blood. But i need to continue. I stood up and started walking. I passed this small playground. I was a bit tired so I sat down for awhile. I saw this two kids playing around the seesaw when suddenly the younger one fell on the ground and started to cry. I stood up and started to comfort her.

"Shhh... don't cry" i said

"Mommy, mommy" she said. I saw her sister crouch down and turned around

"Let's go home now. Hop on" she said

"Can you carry her?" I asked

"Yes" she said and smiled at me

"Okay" I helped her up when her sister was already on top of her

"Home" the younger said. I just followed them. I saw the elder can't carry her anymore

"I'll carry her now. I think you can't now" I don't know but I feel something different from the scenario. It's like it happened to me before. I carried the younger on my back. We walked and walked when we suddenly stopped in front of this house

"We're here" the elder said

"Okay" i crouched down to let the younger said

"She's asleep" she said with a low voice

"Oh...can I come in?" I asked with a low voice just like her's

"Come on" she said I stood up and we entered their house

"Good evening "

"Yes?" An elder lady said

"Mommy" she hugged her mom and kissed her on the cheek

"Marie fell from the seesaw and now she's sleeping at this kind lady's back" she said in a low voice as if I can't hear it. Haha cute

"Oh... sorry please come in" she said and led me onto a sofa when Marie was on her bed

"thank you for bringing my daughters home safe."

"Your welcome ma'am. It's my pleasure " i said and smiled. She handed me a glass of orange juice so I just accepted it

"May I ask young lady?"

"What is it ma'am?"

"Just call me Anne, what's your name and where did you saw my daughters? "

Going Beyond the MemoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon