new job

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Mallory's P.O.V

"Everything I've read on you're CV is wonderful Mallory" Coco exclaimed optimistic "you've had quite the good experience work for someone your age" I grinned tilting my glasses up just right shyly before answering the high-strong blonde socialite "oh thank you miss St. Pierre Vanderbilt" "you can call me Coco dear" she laughed "so when can you start?"

"Is tomorrow good for you Coco?" I questioned trying to hide my excitement "absolutely Mallory" Coco stood up to shake my hand "this gonna be a start of a beautiful friendship, I'll see you tomorrow" Coco gave back my CV and slipped it back into my purse then headed out with Coco by my our towards the front door of her huge mansion "what time do I start?"

"Tomorrow at noon" the feisty blonde inform me with a wink "don't be late and I'll text you more details about it later" "ok thanks Coco I'll see you tomorrow" I waved goodbye to the cheery socialite all smiles walking over to my car to head home for the day when a see a familiar face coming out of one the other houses across from Coco's

dressed in old clothes covered in various colours of paint "Will" I called out to him hoping he would hear me, this was the first time I've seen him since graduating from school high

would he even remember me?

"Oh my god Mallory is that you?" he asked me smiling whilst crossing the road to greet me, he always had a gorgeous smile I guess somethings never change

Ok Mallory he's coming over play it cool

"You haven't changed at all Mal" Will said taking a few glares at in surprise "is that a good or a bad thing?" I asked jokingly "it's a good thing, so how's life been trying you Mal?" "It's been pretty great actually Will, I moved out of my parents house and now live in an apartment here in LA" I explained "that's sounds awesome Mal" ,"and I just got a new job working as a personal assistant to Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt"

Will's face near dropped to the floor after I mentioned Coco's name "Wow Mallory look at you you're right going way places and doing well for yourself and i always knew you would even back in the early days" he exclaimed wholeheartedly "thank you will that means a lot and I was thinking the same about you too back in high school" I told him blushing nearly flogging up my glasses

How embarrassing

"So what are you doing with yourself nowadays will?" I questioned shyly titling my glasses "I'm a decorator basically I paint other people's houses for a living but I love it and it's always been my passionate" Will said chuffed with himself "I'm happy that you're doing well with yourself" I smiled letting there be a quick silent between Will and I and a few nervous chuckles too

"So Mallory are you seeing anyone at the moment?" Will inquired like a wallflower flicking the top of his short brown hair

Wft did Will Lovett really ask me that question say something Mallory don't just stand there

"No I don't have a boyfriend at all" I answered "are you and Vanessa Rockwell still together?" Will became melodically and took a quick glare at the dirty ground whist hanging his head down low, "Nessa and I ended awhile ago we decided we were just better being friends" he sighed "I'm so sorry Will I knew you guys were serious each other" i reassured him "thanks Mal but as they say plenty more fish in the sea right"

Will and I laughed at how bad his joke was lighten up the mood after speaking about his ex "are you doing anything this weekend Mallory?" he questioned out of the blue taking me a bit by surprise if I'm honest "oh no I'm totally this weekend why do you ask will?" I unuttered "we could go out for dinner and catch more if you like to Mal?" I couldn't help but have a smile big on my face after Will asked me that question

"If not I totally understand" he added straightforward "yes of course I would" I relayed without any hesitation "can I get your number Mal?" "Sure" I put my hand down into my purse to grab my iPhone, I typed in the digits of Will's number as fast as my fingers could with great expectation then slipped my iPhone back into my purse "so is this Friday night good for you Mal?" Will requested in a kind tone "yup definitely" I smiled "I'll see you on Friday Mallory take care of yourself"

Will waved me goodbye he than suddenly turned around to face me again with a quite an concern look on his face "I forgot to ask about Ellie how is she doing?" "She's doing really well Eli's now taking acting classes and auditioning for shows like Pose, Glee while working at Starbucks" I told Will how proud I was of my little sister "wow it's been long since I've seen Ellie the last time I saw her she was running around in diapers and watching Barney" Will chuckled reminiscing about the old days

"We all can't be babies for long" I joked it was so lame but Will seemed to find it funny "it so nice talking to you Mal" "yeah likewise" "see you this Friday Mal, tell Ellie I said hi" "I will see you later Will" I waved goodbye him then got in my car and drove home singing along to the radio.

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