first day

11 2 0

Mallory's P.O.V

"See ya later Mall" Drew exclaimed though the windrow of Harper's car "good luck" "bye Mallory and good luck for today" she said smiling before driving off "thank you guys" I called out and waved them goodbye one last time then headed into the hair saloon where Coco was patiently waiting for me getting her hair by her Male hairstylist "so this is the famous Mallory Nickson" the flamboyant blonde spoke in a gleeful tone

"Yup that's Mallory my new Personal  Assistant, Mallory I want you to meat my favourite hairstylist and my dear wonderful friend Mr Benjamin Gallant" Coco chimed in "but I refer to go by just Mr Gallant cos it sounds more professional doing my work and I also hate the name Benjamin" Mr Gallant lightly rebuked sorting out her Coco's damaged split ends

"Well it's so nice to met you Mr Gallant" I exclaimed shyly tilting my glasses upright "is there anything I can do for you Coco?" I added "sure Mallory could you be a doll and fetch me something to eat and drink at Starbucks, but it has be low fat no carbs cos a girl's gonna watch her figure after all" the blonde socialite ranted in bliss

"Sure fine Coco I'll note it down in my iPhone" I told her doing so quickly "buy Coco anytime low-fat and with no carbs at Starbucks" "brilliant thank you Mallory now off you go" I did as Coco asked and when to the local Starbucks too not far from the hair saloon where my little sister happen to work "hi Mal what I can get you?" she asked

"Anything low-fat and no carbs" I answered "and isn't for me it's for Coco" Ellie stood in shock realising who I was talking about "wait you're working as a PA for Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt, why didn't you tell me sis?" Ellie questioned puzzled "cos you were upset about Gene remember" "oh you're right I guess it was bad timing and all" my little sister said to me preparing to make Coco's lunch

"Here sis I hope Coco likes it" Ellie exclaimed in excitement packing up a freshly made salad and a bottle of freezing cold water to go" thanks Eli I'll own you one" I winked at my little sister grabbed the brown bag of food off the corner giving Ellie some change then leaving "I'll see you later tell Coco I said hi Mal" she yelled out by the entrance watching me go "will do little sis" I told her heading back to the hair saloon

"Oh Mallory you're a lifesaver thanks babe" Coco said as I gave the brown bag with her lunch inside of it "it's just exactly what I asked for"

Coco was lounging in her front room watching the housewives of whatever she called it while i was in the kitchen making her some hot tea to help her relax after a long day "are you coming in Mallory?" the blonde asked impatient "yes Coco I'll be right there" I answered her "cos the tea isn't gonna make it's self Mal" she added with sarcasm, I carried the tea cup and pot at a steady pace on a tray making sure not to drop hot any hot tea on myself and luckily I succeed

"Thank god I thought I'd have to wait forever" Coco sprint up from the coach to pour herself of a cup tea then sat back down to drink it she patched for me to sit beside her and I followed suit
"Are you not having any tea with me Mallory?" the blonde socialite asked out of curiously "no" I relayed shaking my head "Mal I can't drink tea on my own, I'll grab you another cup from the kitchen" she suggested enthusiastically

"Don't worry Coco it's ok" I reassured her wavering my hands up in defensive but coco wasn't having any of it "boo who I'm getting a cup to drink in, if you like it or not" I didn't wanna argue with her so I sighed then said "ok" watching Coco grab a cup from the kitchen cabinet I turned around for a second and glanced at the window to spot Will walking to his van getting a few things from inside it decorate with

"Why is he so gorgeous?" I whispered to myself "whose gorgeous Mal?" Coco asked appearing behind me out from the kitchen handing my cup of tea I thanked her for it then she sat back beside me quite puzzled "who is this gorgeous person Mallory?" "I don't know what you're talking about Coco" "Mal don't play dumb with ok, I caught you checking that hot guy painting my at neighbour's house now tell me who is he?"

"His name is Will he's just an old crush of mine from high school" i confessed clearly blushing as my cheeks were turning red "ooh have you spoken to him since leaving high school?" Coco questioned fascinated by our conversation carefully putting her cup of tea onto her overly expensive coffee table "actually I did yesterday after I left your place" "and how did it go?" "Amazing Coco" I smiled "he asked me out and we're going for dinner on Friday night"

The feisty blonde smirked take a slip of her tea and said "go for it Mal there's nothing stopping you" I soon gulped down my hot tea in one go then it place onto the coffee table with an uncomfortable look on my face "I don't that's a good idea" I told Coco unconvinced and unhappy "what do you mean Mal?" "What If you've never been a real date?" I sighed looking down at the floor

"And if you're still a virgin too or never had a boyfriend ether" I added frustrated "Mallory you shouldn't be ashamed of that, a lot people's lives are different and not the same as yours and mine but it will happen for you when the time is right I promise you Mall" Coco exclaimed sincerely "just not let him force you into anything that you're not comfortable with ok"

"Thanks Coco" I smiled while she gave a hug "otherwise I'll cut his balls off" the blonde feisty said causing me to burst into laughter

Coco and I already share a close bond between us but I only just met her yesterday

A/N : I didn't expect this chapter to be so long but I hope you enjoyed it please tell me the comments what you think about it, the next chapter is gonna be from Eille's P.O.V then will be from Mallory's again straight-after that so stay turned for the next one.

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