under the stars

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Mallory's P.O.V

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Will asked glazing up at the night's sky in amazement sitting beside me on the Vista Hermosa Natural Park bench agreeing with him nodding "yes is it Will, it's incredible seeing the sky at night" I stated looking up at the sky then at Will, he was about to say something to me but he stopped before speaking up again "have you ever seen a shooting star before Mallory ?" "No I have you ever seen one before?" I questioned curious

"Yeah about once or twice" Will answered in an honest tone we remained silent for a bit until we saw a shooting star appear "wow" I grasped "it's beautiful Will" "yeah it is like you" he smiled I lean in with a new found confidence and pressed my lips against his "oh I'm sorry" I said pulling back shyly

Why the hell did I do that

"no it's ok" Will kindly reassured me lifting up my chin giving me a sweet passionate kiss which took me by surprise but in a good way

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