more than friends?

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Mallory's P.O.V

"I can't believe I'm telling you this but I'm actually going on my first date" I smiled sitting on my side of the bed where I usually sleep glaring over of a picture of my mom in her youth before me or Ellie were even born, "do you like my dress?" I questioned twirling around to show off one of my dress I brought sometime and never wore

"I can't believe I'm telling you this but I'm actually going on my first date" I smiled sitting on my side of the bed where I usually sleep glaring over of a picture of my mom in her youth before me or Ellie were even born, "do you like my dress?"...

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(this is the dress Mallory is wearing in the picture for her date with Will)

It's amazing what you can find hidden inside of your wardrobe after such a period of time

"I hope I look ok, do you think he will like me?" I rambled tilting my glasses nervously

Or Maybe I'm just overthinking things

I look into the mirror where my beauty table lies touching up my baby pink lipstick then leaving my bedroom to head out "wish me luck mom" I mouthed to the picture as I left, "wait Mal is that you?" Drew joked cuddling up next Galvin "yeah who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Ellie chuckled "I think that's a way of saying that you look nice Mallory" Kate added eating a mouthful of popcorn "thanks Kate" "no problem"

"Mallory you look super hot" Nicki winked flirtatiously "thank you Nicki" I exclaimed glaring down at my phone to a text from Will

Will : I'm by your block I'll see you in a minute

As if by chance the door knocked I open with a bag of nerves inside from head to toe, to see Will Lovett standing before me dressed up in a suit holding a box from chocolate in one hand and bouquet of flowers in the other "hi everyone wow Mallory you look gorgeous" he exclaimed breathless "thank you Will" I blushed biting my lower lip titling my glasses while I kindly took and the chocolate box and the flowers from him "ooh" Ellie and her friends cheered jokingly from the sofa

"ha ha very funny" I said quickly putting the flowers in the sink and the chocolate box in the fridge making Will laugh to himself finding my sister and her friends amusing by their actions "are you ready to go Mal? "As a matter of a fact I'm" I winked at my date causal trying to flirt with him "don't stay up too late you kids" Ellie chuckled "ok bye everyone" I said Will opened the door letting me go first like a true gentleman

"Bye Mal, bye will" Eil and her friends waved ours goodbye watching us leave the apartment side by side, I locked from the outside and walked with Will downstairs linking his arm with my own smiling like I was the luckiest girl in the world, we arrived at Wagamama and I sudden sudden vision of three women dressed in black all of various ages wandering out the fog "are you ok Mallory?" Will asked concerned seeing my face startled

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry" I exclaimed rubbing my stomach as we were met by the front of house hostess  sitting at her deck "good evening folks how may I help you?" questioned in a perky tone "we would like a table for two please" Will answered the hostess politely "absolutely sir we have a table just by the window which will by perfect for you and your lady tonight ,come right this way" The hostess spoke showing Will and I to our table with an amazing view as she said

"Thank you" Will and I told the hostess  in unison "you are both very welcome enjoy your night" she said wandering back to her desk with a warm smile plastered on her face, Will and I exchanged smiles taking a seat at our tables once we were seated we grabbed our menus deciding what to order "so what's looking Mallory?" Will questioned curiously "it's so hard to pick there's so many good things to eat here" I answered peeking my head over to speak to Will above the menu "I'm having that same problem too, why do all restaurants have nice foods that you can't have all at once" he chuckled

"Yeah you're totally right" I agreed "why is that always the issue?" I placed the menu back on the table as a waiter approached our table "good evening are you guys ready to order?" he asked in his strong Australian accent politely "not yet" I answered "there's so much meals to choose from so we couldn't decide on what we want yet" "yeah" Will nodded agreeing flashing his winning smile "Oh I would highly recommend our dish of the month the firecracker pawn" the Aussie waiter exclaimed excitedly

"It's sounds delicious" Will said licking his lips at the mention of the meal "ditto" I agreed "well it's the firecracker pawn is it for me and my beautiful this evening" Will told the waiter in an upbeat tone "good choice any drinks" the waiter asked kindly, "wow this is so good" I spoke finishing the last bits of my meal satisfied "you don't have to tell me twice Mal it was so nice" Will smiled placing his knife and fork onto his empty plate "I would definitely eat it again" "yeah me too, this was a really night Will thanks for taking me out"

"You're welcome I think you're amazing Mallory" he smiled taking my hand "thank you Will" I blushed titling my glasses "did you mean it when you said I was beautiful?" I asked in a nervously tone "yes I did I meant every word of it because it's true Mallory" Will grinned wholeheartedly "and just look wise but you have personality to match with your beauty" I was left speechless by Will's confession I never thought any guy could of me in that way especially if his name was Will Lovett "do you wanna get out of here?" he questioned monitoring over to the waiter for the bill "sure" I agreed

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