safe ~ p2

8 3 0

TW : mentions of domestic violence/death & grief

I lay asleep in my bed soundly until memories of my father beating my mother to death came flooding back I remember trying to wake up my mom that today but she was unresponsive and died right on the kitchen luckily Ellie was away at summer camp so she didn't see anything but I remember everything about that

Mommy mommy wake up, wake up please wake up

I woke up in a hot sweat terrified turning on my lamp, Ellie appeared before me scarred from the events earlier that same night "i can get in with you?" she asked timed in a whisper tone "sure join the club" Eli climbed into the bed beside with her back turned "you can't sleep ether sis?" "yeah I'm worried about you, I wanna protect you and stop you from ending like mom" I confessed sincerely

"But Mal you already have, dad's long gone, the cops put him in jail and threw the keys after mom died" Ellie declared straightforward "I know Eli but I feel like couldn't protect from Gene like I did with dad" I exclaimed trying to hold back my tears "I will never forgive myself if you ended like up like mom" "hey none of this is your failure Mal dad and Gene are the scum between our toes" Eli scoffed

"And Kama will catch up like Gene too like it did with dad" she added now  facing me "how did you get so smart?" I asked chuckling "well I learn from the best didn't I sis" Eil answered with clear sarcasm "mom would be so proud of you Mal" she smiled "she would be of you too Eil" "thanks sis, are you still going that date with Will?" "I don't think so" "why not Mal?" "Because I think it's too soon specially after what happened with you and Gene" I rebuked lightly

Ellie rolled her eyes and said "Bullshit you're going that date Mal and that's final" "well I've always made up my mind and I'm gonna call Will and cancel" I half snapped at my little sister "no you're not ,Mallory when was the last time you've had time for yourself for once?"

I had to think about Eli's question and she was right I guess my little sister knew me better than I did after all, I spend a lot of my teen years after looking her after mom died and dad was arrested, and soon after I was legal guardian of my little sister which was such a responsibility at such a young age and my social life became non-existence

I laid in silent for a minute and answered "alright I'll call Will tomorrow and tell him I'm still going out with him ok" I spoke with a sudden change of heart, "are you happy now Eil?" "Yes" Ellie grinned like a naughty school girl "so what are you gonna do when I'm out with Will?" I questioned puzzled "Nicki texted me earlier and said she, Galvin, Kate and Drew want to come over for a sleepover on Friday if that's ok with Mal?"

"Sure Ellie no problem" I replied "I just want you to be happy Mal" Eil added "you too sis" I exclaimed kissing her forehead "goodnight Eilie" "Goodnight Mallory" "Coco says hi by the way" I chuckled closing my eyes "tell her I said hi back, I love you Mal" Eil said yawning wholeheartedly  "I love you too Eil" I told her drifting off to sleep

Mad World (AHS : Apocalypse) - fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora