Part 2

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I woke up to my alarm. My head started to pound. I grabbed some ibuprofen and took two pills. I got up and went to the bathroom. I stared into the mirror. My messy dirty blonde hair. My eyes had dark circles under them. I havent done my hair in weeks. Not since my parents died. I put on some deodorant and my school clothes. I walked out the door and saw Hooni. I waved and started walking and he followed. Soorim was walking too. He saw us and waited. "Hey guys" I waved at Soorim. I stared at the ground. No one really said anything. 

The rest of the school day was normal. Getting hit by those bullied and holding in all my emotions. Hooni was with a tall dude with glasses so I left them alone. I started walking when Soorim jogged to me. "Hey!" He put his hand on my shoulder. I smiled. Guess i have to keep my emotions in for a little longer. "So do you wanna hang out?" I shrugged. My head was still pounding. "Okay well where do you wanna go" I shrugged while saying "I dont care that much" I actually kinda did. I wanted to just stay home alone. Soorim got a text "Ah shit! Sorry I have to go somewhere today so maybe tomorrow and maybe Hooni can come too." I nodded and Soorim ran off. Once he left I broke down crying. I walked as tears fell down my face. I got to my apartment and flopped onto my bed. I curled up into a ball and cried. I heard a door open and close. After a bit i heard yelling. I got up and went to go check it out. It was coming from Hooni's apartment. I knocked onto the door. "H-hey Hooni? Are you okay?" No answer I walked back to my apartment and went to bed.

I woke up it was friday finally. I got ready and started to walk to school. Hooni walked with me. We didnt say anything until we were passing an alley way. I looked inside to see why Hooni looked scared. It was the kids that pick on us. I step on a twig "Shit!" I whispered. They looked my direction. They all started to walk towards me and Hooni. I backed away and stayed in front of Hooni. They walked to me and punched me across my face and then did the same to Hooni. We both fell to the floor. The kids proceeded to kick and punch us. When they were done it hurt too much to even move. We laid there for 10 minutes. I heard sniffling and whimpering. I slowly turned over to see Hooni trying to get up. I started to do the same. We slowly sat up. Both of use yelping in pain. "Fuck that hurts a lot" Hooni nodded.  We got onto our feet after 10 minutes of struggling. They definitely broke something. "Do you wanna still go to school?" Hooni stumbled onto the wall. "N-no but I have to" "Why" Hooni looked down "I've missed too many days" He sniffled. I nodded. "Well if your going then I will i guess" Hooni started insisting that i go home without him. But im very stubborn so i went anyway.

The kids that beat us this morning weren't seen today. Maybe they decided to skip. That meant that the day was perfect for me and Hooni. When school finally ended we walked home together. Hooni was gonna walk home with Jaehoon but he decided to walk with me. "I have the stuff to treat everything at my apartment i think." Hooni smiled "Thanks" First time Ive every really seen him smile. We got to my home and walked in. Hooni looked at me then my room. "Sorry its a little messy" I said while scratching my neck. "It's fine my place is worse" I chuckled a bit but stopped abruptly in pain. There were bruises all over me and Hooni. I got my first aid kit from under my bed and got it ready. Most of our wounds were healed or stopped bleeding. I got some disinfectant and reaches for Hooni's arm. "May i?" Hooni nodded. I put some onto his wounds. He occasionally flinched. He had bandages on his left arm. "Is it okay if i ask you something?" I looked at Hooni. "S-sure" Hooni seemed a little nervous. "Is it okay if i take off the bandages ok your left arm to check for more wounds?" I had a good idea of what it might be but i wanna make sure. I looked at his face and he was starting to tear up. "OH im sorry i didnt mean to trigger you or anything!" Hooni wiped his tears. "N-no its f-fine you can I guess" I started to unwrap them when i saw the scars. I didnt say anything about it. Cause I know how it feels for people to point out scars. Which is why i try to stop doing it so much. I rewrapped his arm and went onto his legs and stomach. I fixed him up. "Y/N?" "Huh?" "Arent you gonna treat your wounds?" I sighed. "I'll do it later." We sat in silence for a couple seconds. "Anyway Hooni do you need to shower or anything?" Hooni looked up. "You can if you'd like Soorim told me how they cut off your water or something like that" Hooni nodded. I showed him where the bathroom was. He walked in and turned on the shower and I left. 

I waited for about 15 minutes for him to be done. The first shower after weeks or months without showering is always the best. He walked out with his hair wet and drying it off in a towel. He had already put on clothes. "T-thanks you for letting me use your shower" I smiled "No problem" He sat on my bed and I sat next to him. "Hey Y/n?" I looked at him. "I just wanted to say sorry." I turned my head to the side. "Sorry about what?" Hooni started to cry. "Sorry about seeing my scars" I look over at him and start to comfort him. "Hooni its okay it doesnt bother me. I do that too" Hooni stopped crying for a sec. "Y-you did?" i nodded. "I try to stop doing it so people wont point them out."  Hooni looked down. He stopped crying and went home. I treated my wounds and went to bed. At least its friday.

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