Part 7

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You woke up to Hooni in your room. He was sitting on the floor crying. You bolted to Hooni's side. "Hooni what's wrong?" You said.

Hooni sniffed. "N-nothing I just I don't know"

You gave him a hug and he hugged back. He cried into your shoulder and you played with his hair. He pulled away and smiled. You stared into his eyes for a bit when you leaned in for a kiss.

Hooni didn't resist. He kissed back and pushed you onto the floor. Hooni pulled from the kiss and you and him kissed again. You started to sit up. Hooni sat on your lap and you and him kissed.

You started to slide your hands up Hooni's shirt. You started to push him to the floor. You looked down towards Hooni.

He then pulled your face down to kiss him again. Hooni whimpered as you kissed him. Someone started to knock at the door.

You opened your eyes back in your bed. Someone was still knocking at the door. You slowly got up and opened the door.

Soorim was standing at the door with Hooni. "Y/n! You're still not ready?" Soorim yelled.

"Oh shit!" You quickly put on your school clothes and walked out to see Hooni and Soorim waiting. "Took ya long enough"

"Sorry I overslept"

You looked at Hooni and blushed. You still were confused about the dream. Why did you dream of that? Did you like him? Did you actually have a crush on him?

"Y/n!" Soorim yelled.


"I've been trying to talk to you"

"Oh sorry"

Soorim left to go to his school and you walked with Hooni to your school. You walked into class and sat down. You stared at Hooni while Jaehoon sat down next to him.

(Time skip)

You finally got back to your apartment after being tormented with Hooni all day.

You crashed onto your bed. Your body ached all over. You closed your eyes and waited for the pain to stop. It would stop aching. You grabbed and ibuprofen bottle and took 4 hoping not to accidentally overdose.

A couple hours later the pain was finally bearable. You got up and went to the bathroom. You drew a hot bath and started to get undressed. You looked in the mirror to see bruises and faded scars all over your body.

You turned away and went into the tub. You soaked as all the pain started to get soothed. You submerged your head under the water and came back up for air.

You got out and put on a sweatshirt and underwear. Drying your hair off with a towel you headed for your bed.

You crashed onto your bed and fell asleep almost instantly. 

——— Sorry for this being a little short. Im rlly busy and honestly i forget to write sometimes. I also rlly wanted to get a part out:))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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