Couples and families

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Warning-mentions of being beaten, abused, and unhappy marriages. You have been warned!!


Hermione and Draco Malfoy


Rose Meghan Malfoy (14) ( She looks like a red head version of her mother, quite timid and shy but a great older sister who will do anything for her siblings. She is the seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team. She often plays hide and seek with Harry and Jean when she's not at Hogwarts.)

Dia Evelyn Malfoy (12) ( She looks like Draco but with her mother's eyes. She is passionate and sarcastic, but deeply cares for her siblings. Looks up to Rose. Her middle name is the name of her questionable birth mother.)

Leo Scorpious Malfoy (10) (Looks like an exact replica of Draco apart from a strange brown streak down the center of his hair. His eyes are distinctly hypnotic. He is kind to those he feels deserve it.)

Jean Lucy Malfoy (8) (A bubbly replica of her mother, Jean can hardly sit still. Her hair sits in soft waves and her laugh is known to instantly cheer up anyone who is sad.)

Harry Theo Malfoy (5) (Harry looks like his mother but with his father's facial features. He is quite funny but manipulative, abusing his signature Malfoy charm. He is very amusing despite this.)

The Malfoy family radiates positive energy and love, and it is rumoured that laughter is constantly echoing through the huge manor, and this family is possibly the happiest in the world.

Harry and Ginny Potter

James Trevor Potter (13) (a natural born prankster. Loves teasing his younger brother and looks exactly like Harry but with more freckles and much happier.)

Albus Severus Potter (11) (A timid, shy boy who rarely speaks his mind. He has tons of freckles sprinkled generously around his face and his dark ginger hair flows in an attractive way, although he never likes to admit that.)

Lily Petunia Potter (9) (A ginger haired bouncing human being who is so cheerful you just want to pop. She has her father's glasses but her mother's looks. She is altogether one of the most cheerful people you will ever meet. Her father is quite distant from her for an unknown reason).

The Potter household seems fine on the outside, but underneath, Ginny is secretly unhappy with her marriage and Harry secretly is in love with Theodore Nott, who does not show up to the reunion for this reason.

Ronald and Lavender Weasley

Hugo Arthur Weasley (14) (The secret twin of Rose Malfoy, Hugo is deep and very hard to speak to due to the fact that he's jealous of his long lost sister for being able to see their mom. He is bitter and adopted an abusive nature from his father. He hates Harmony. He looks like Rose and is a constant reminder to Ron of Hermione. Despite this, Ron talks to him more than any of his other children, almost mentoring him.)

Mina Michelle Weasley (13) (a bright young witch who looks exactly like Lavender but has the exact opposite personality. She is incredibly studious and is amazing at potions and charms.)

Harmony Hope Weasley (12) (a gorgeous red head who is really close with Mina, almost feeling outshined by her. She is on the Quidditch team and is a chaser. She is almost like a mum to her younger siblings, stepping up after Mina and Hugo started going out more. She despises Hugo, and often tells him so. Her dad sees her as an insufferable brat, but she loves her siblings with her entire soul.)

Hector Joe Weasley (10) (a strange child who cares little for anything but magic and blood purity. He is a werewolf after being abducted as a newborn by a she-wolf. He is mean to his younger siblings and has jet black hair and red eyes.)

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