At Home

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When Hilda and her mom got home, Hilda's mom grabbed her old wheelchair she still has, put Hilda in it and wheeled it straight to her bedroom. Hilda lay in bed for a while until her mom came in the room with her dinner. "Hey honey, I'll set your plate on your desk and you can eat here." Hilda: "Thanks mom, I'll get into the wheelchair and go over." Once her mom left the room, she was on her phone eating, and she got a bunch of snapchats from Tyrone, Poppy, and Ivory, all wishing her to get better soon. Tyrone had actually tried calling her a few times. Hilda video called him whilst eating dinner. Hilda: "Hey." Tyrone: "Yo, what's up? How are you feeling?" Hilda: "Not great, but thankfully it's just a concussion. I won't be able to go to school tomorrow but I think after that I'll be fine. I just can't do anything in gym for a week." Tyrone: "Oh that's good, but guess what? I heard Zara, Dylan, and Janay got suspended." Hilda: "Good! Honestly I know they only did that to me, because I was on your team." Tyrone: "Haha. Yeah probably." Hilda: "Well anyways, I'm going to go get some sleep, but thanks for checking in!" Tyrone: "Hey, no worries! Feel better!" After Hilda hung up she went straight to bed.

The next morning, after a long good night's sleep, Hilda was able to get up and walk again, but very slowly. Hilda's mom: "Hey, honey. You must be feeling a little better." Hilda: "Yes. I am, a little bit. Shouldn't you be at work?" Hilda's mom: "I wanted to stay here with you today in case you ended up not feeling better." Hilda: "Thanks mom." Hilda's mom: "Anything for you. So let me ask, who's this Zara girl and what's her issue?" Hilda: "She's just a mean girl who thinks her and her friends Dylan and Janay rule the world. She has a huge crush on the quarterback, Tyrone, but he hates her. He started talking to me and she keeps trying to keep us apart. She always tells me that he's just being nice and wouldn't be caught dead with a girl like me, because I'm too poor." Hilda's mom made a puzzled look. "What in God's name does money have to do with anything here?" Hilda: "Because she wears all the cute outfits and lives in a quality house, and she's the head of the cheerleading team so she thinks that automatically makes Tyrone want her." Hilda's mom: "How pathetic...I'm sorry honey." Hilda: "It only gets worse..I met two friends Ivory and Poppy. Those girls flat out harassed Ivory and made jokes about her wanting to kiss them because she's a lesbian." Hilda's mom gasped. Hilda: "I know. Ivory left the lunch room crying and went straight to guidance." Hilda's mom: "That is terrible...that poor girl. Im glad you've made some friends though. I will definitely be having a talk with the school about the girls." Hilda: "Oh! no need to do that. The principal suspended them and they're in a lot of trouble." Hilda's mom: "Oh, good."

At the end of the day there was a knock at the door. Hilda's mom opened it and it was Poppy and Ivory. Ivory: "Hi I'm Ivory and that's Poppy. We're Hilda's friends." Hilda's mom: "Hello, ladies. She told me about you. Come on in! She's in her room!" With that the girls went to her room. Hilda: "Oh hey guys! What are you doing here?" Ivory: "Poppy told me what happened. I'm so sorry. I can't believe Zara. She's crazy. I'm so glad they got suspended. After what they did to me, my mom wished she could've had a talk with their parents instead of the principal haha." Hilda: "I know...I'm glad you're feeling better though. They really upset you." Ivory: "They did, but your head is more important than some stupid jokes they made. Will you be back in school soon?" Hilda: Yes! I'll be back in school tomorrow. I got Tyrone's snapchat though, and we talked last night." Ivory: "Oooh. Yes, girl." Poppy: "Anyways, lucky for you, Hilda, you only missed one class yesterday, and Ivory and I have that class with you. We had a syllabus to sign but I got you a copy." Hilda: "Thank you!" Ivory: "Besides that we still didn't have to do any work today. Check in with your other teachers though. We don't have all classes together." Hilda: "I know. Thanks though."

The girls ended up having dinner together and having a great time. When Ivory and Poppy went home, Hilda went straight to bed to get a good night's sleep before going back to school in the morning.

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