Zara's Secret

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The next day at school Hilda and her friends heard Zara and that guy screaming again. Hilda: "Guys, it's happening again." Poppy: "Oh, Hilda, my shouldn't care! She's probably getting bullied. That's what she gets for being a bully." Hilda: "That sounds like she's being tortured guys. She's bullied us as well as many other people, and nobody has ever cried LIKE THAT. Please just follow me, I want to hear what's happening." They followed the noise and then came across an old, empty class room where they were fighting. They heard Zara shout, "Just leave me alone, Callan!" Hilda whispers, "Callan? Remember when Kane said she had an abusive boyfriend named Callan?" The girls slowly nodded. Callan: "I'm not going away until you say you'll go to prom with me!" Zara: "Please, Callan! You kept me here for hours after school yesterday! I don't want to do this again!" Callan: "That is not my problem! So you choose, you can either go to prom with me and take me back or we will do THIS everyday!" Zara: "No! Please! I don't want to! You hurt me so much! You cheated on me with Ariela Pane!" Callan: "Yeah! So what? I can do what I want! Now that's besides my point. So I'm going to ask you again, Zara!" He cornered her and put his hand against the wall. Callan: "You know, I'm not afraid to go there. I did it when we were together and I will do it again!" Hilda: "No you won't!" Callan and Zara turned their heads. Callan: "Who even are you?" Poppy: "That's besides the point! Let go of her or I'll get my hands on YOU!" Callan: "Ha, yeah right. Poppy: "I'm not kidding." Callan: "I'm not kidding either. GET OUT!" Ivory: "No! We won't get out until YOU get out!" Callan: "Look! This is NONE of your business! Got it?" Janay: "Actually, it is our business. If you don't leave right now we will have an issue." Callan: "Yeah like what are four junior girls going to do to me, huh?" Hilda: "Well I wouldn't say all girls." Tyrone, Emmet, and Kane walked in. Tyrone: "Callan...get away." Callan: "Oh wow! You girls got THIS loser to come at me? Well, we'll see where that gets you." He tries to punch Tyrone, until Kane and Emmet swoop in and pushes Callan against the wall. Kane: "Easy, bro. Don't touch my man." Callan: "Yo, what is wrong with YOU?" Emmet: "Just leave everybody alone, man." Zara walks up and kicks Callan right in the spot and he fell to the ground. Zara: "Never touch or talk to me again, loser!" Everyone walked out of the room and left him laying there. A few moments later the cops came and picked him up off the floor and took him away.

Hilda: "Zara, are you okay?" Zara: "I will be. Anyways, thanks for your help..." Ivory: "You don't look so good." Poppy: "Yeah, you don't." Dylan ran over to the group. Dylan: "Oh my gosh, Zara! Are you okay?" Zara: "I don't know if I would've been if it weren't for all of them, to be honest." Hilda: "It wasn't a problem, really." Zara: "I don't know what to say, I..." Hilda: "Zara, and I may never be best friends or even friends at all, but I'd never let anything happen to you or Dylan. Just remember a good heart always wins." Janay: "Honestly, Zara, I never wanted to stop being friends with you or Dylan, but I didn't want to tear people down everyday for no reason. I know you were better than that." Zara: "I'm so sorry...I never meant to be this way. I was always a little spoiled growing up, and I think after dating him when I was younger, it just cursed me. I let my problems take over." Hilda: I understand. To be honest, I would probably be that way too if I dated an abuser. Just remember whether you're rich or poor, blonde or brunette, drive a Porsche or a 2000s Toyota, shop at Chanel or the thrift store, you're still beautiful from the outside in. Don't let any man or anyone in general dictate your life, Zara." Zara: "Wow...I love that...thank you so much..." Zara hugged Hilda. Zara: "Oh, and I promise I will be a lot nicer to all of you, and Tyrone tell your sister I'm sorry and I want her to have this." She gave him her Gucci handbag. Tyrone: "Zara...this is like thousands of dollars..." Zara: "She deserves it more than I do." Tyrone: "Well, thank you, Zara...I...really appreciate that." Hilda: "Alright, well we all have classes so let's go."

On their way to class Dylan turned to Emmet and said, "Emmet, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I promise I'm changing too. If you don't have a prom date, would you want to go with me?" Emmet smiled. "Thanks, Dylan...I'll think about it."

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