Party's Over

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The next day, Dylan and Janay were back in school. Even though it was still relatively peaceful without Zara leading them to bully everyone, they were not letting her have peace. Dylan: "Aw, look who it is. It's poor, HEADACHE girl!" Her and Janay started laughing. Hilda rolled her eyes. "What do you guys want?" Janay: "Aww, we don't want any your head okay, or do you not even remember that your head hurts?" Hilda: "Just leave me alone!" Dylan: "We're just being honest." Hilda walked away in anger.

Hilda tried to avoid all eye contact with the girls in class. When the bell rang for lunch, Hilda went to the cafeteria to buy lunch. Janay happened to be right in front of her. Janay: "Hey." Hilda: "Don't speak. I don't want any trouble. You guys need to learn to leave people alone and stop bullying." Janay: "Hilda..listen, Zara and Dylan have been my best friends since we were babies. Our moms are all friends. I've grown up with them." Hilda: "So that means you let Zara control you and Dylan? You let her force you to bully others?" Janay: "Her mom is a little like that. Her mom is very self centered." Hilda: "Look, Janay, I really don't want to hear it! There's no excuse to bullying. You girls have ganged up on everyone in our whole grade before. It's sad how you guys think you're all that, when really you're just mean girls who have nothing better to do than hurt people!" Janay: "Well alright then..sorry you feel that way." Dylan came over to talk to Janay in line. Dylan: "Oh look who it is." Hilda: "Yup and look who it is, trying to start trouble once again." Dylan: "Listen girl, just because Zara isn't here, does NOT mean that we don't get to tell the facts." Once Janay got her food, she and Dylan took off.

When Hilda got her lunch she sat down with Ivory and Poppy. Dylan and Janay instantly sat at their table. Dylan: "Look what we have here!" Janay stayed quiet and rolled her eyes at everything Dylan was saying. The girls were confused that Janay wasn't laughing along with Dylan. Hilda knew something was off about Janay. Was Janay tired of being a bully? Was Janay being brainwashed by Zara and Dylan? Is she rolling her eyes at us instead? What's up? Ivory: "Come on, girls let's get out of here."

Meanwhile, Dylan and Janay were still sitting together and Zara was snap chatting them mean photoshopped pictures of Ivory. It was her head cropped onto a cow's body and it said, "I like girls." Dylan: "Oh my gosh! That is amazing! Zara says we have to say it was Hilda who made these." Janay just sat there and didn't say anything.

Then when they all went to gym, Dylan ran up to Hilda, Ivory, and Poppy. Dylan: "Oh my gosh Hilda! How could you do this?" She showed the picture. Hilda: "I would never do that!" Ivory: "Hilda, this better not be true." Hilda: "No! What the heck?" Dylan: "Yeah, right. Haha, we all know what you did. Right, Janay?" Janay stayed quiet once again. Dylan nudged her and whispered, "Go along with it! What's wrong with you?" Janay: "No...guys listen, Hilda did not make that. Zara made it and sent it to Dylan. She wanted us to post them all over the school and blame it on Hilda to turn Ivory against her, probably Poppy and Tyrone too. Also guys, I'm so sorry for how I've treated you. I learned a valuable lesson when I got suspended. True friends don't force others to bully." Dylan: "Are you insane? Wait till I tell Zara! She's going to be SO mad!" Janay: "She can be mad all she wants, Dylan. I don't care anymore I'm tired of people getting hurt because of us." Dylan: "Whatever!" Dylan walked away. Janay: "I truly am sorry for my actions though. I was wrong, I should've known better a long time ago than to let Zara brainwash me into mistreating others." Poppy: "Well it sure seems like Dylan loves being controlled by her." Janay: "Oh yeah. Dylan will do anything Zara does. Now that I'm not in their group anymore and Zara won't be here for a few more days, I think you guys are okay. Dylan's not going to pick on you by herself." Hilda: "That's true. We forgive you, Janay." Ivory: "You can hang with us if you want." Janay: "I'd love that...and by the way Hilda, Tyrone would be cuter with you than he'd ever be with Zara." The girls all laughed and hung out at Hilda's place after school.

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