Let the Truth Be Told

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The next day, Hilda woke up to a text from Tyrone that read: "Meet me at the back of the school at 7:00." Hilda reached out to her friends and said she needed to be at school extra early that morning and could not drive them. When Hilda came to the school she went behind the building and saw Tyrone standing there. Tyrone: "Hey, Hilda." Hilda: "Hi..." Tyrone: "Look, I have a lot to explain to you and I really need you to listen without yelling." Hilda: "I'm all ears." Tyrone: "So...the reason I'm 'with Zara' is because she threatened me. She said if I didn't date her and let the school know we were dating, she'd steal from my family and bully my disabled sister. I know those are just words, but she's crazy, and to be honest with you she probably would steal and definitely bully my sister, because she is a mean girl. She is a bully. This girl has ruined my life all week and has destroyed my mental state. She invites herself over all the time, pushes her way through my door, and won't leave until who knows when. That's why I called you so late the other night. Because she had just left my house. So just know, anything I say to you while I'm with her, I do not mean it. I promise." Hilda: "Well thanks for telling me, because Kane told us the same story." Tyrone: "Well, it's true." Hilda: "I appreciate it and all, Tyrone, but I still don't know how to forgive you after that. You need to stand up for yourself, if she comes to your house uninvited, call the police. If she ever says anything to your sister, tell her off." Tyrone: "I'm sorry, Hilda. It's just not that easy. You don't know her like I do." Hilda: "Well, you know what? Why did you waste my time then? It's only going to get worse if you stay with her, but you know what? It's not my problem anymore. You can do whatever you want, but just keep me out of it. I'll just block your number and we won't talk anymore. I wish you good luck, Tyrone. I hope you realize what you're getting put through." Hilda then walked away. Tyrone: "Hilda! Don't go, please!" Hilda kept walking and went into the building.

As Hilda entered the building she saw Zara and Dylan harassing a freshman girl in a wheelchair. Zara: "Aww, well, look who it is...Ramona the Rider, having a nice ride in her special chair, because she's too weak to walk." They both laugh. Dylan: "How sad?" Ramona: "Just leave me alone, you guys. Don't be so mean." Zara: "Aww...are you going to cry?" Ramona: "Just stop it!" Zara: "We're just being honest, hun." Hilda: "Hey! She told you to leave her alone!" Zara: "Oh give me a break, Hilda. Mind your own business." Hilda: "No. I won't. Get away from her!" Dylan: "What are YOU going to do about it?" Hilda: "I won't leave you guys alone until you leave her alone. How about that?" Zara: "Sure, we'll leave her alone. I have everything I need anyways." She held out a blue leopard print purse. Ramona: "Hey! That's mine! How did you get that!?" Zara: "Hahaha! It doesn't matter, loser. It's mine now. It's not like you need it. You probably only buy stuff to decorate your wheel chair." Zara and Dylan laugh again. Hilda: "Zara, that is not okay! You need to give that back RIGHT NOW!" Zara: "Or what?" Hilda: "I'm NOT playing games with you, Zara. You better give that back to her." Zara: "Fine, you can have your purse back I didn't want it anyways, it's ugly. Who wears blue leopard print purses anyways? But I'll take this." She grabbed all the money in her purse and put it in her pocket. Ramona: "Hey, stop! That's MY money!" Hilda: "Give that money back right now!" Zara: "BE QUIET! It's MY money now, here's your purse, loser." She threw the purse and it landed on the ground and then they walked away. Ramona started crying. Hilda picked up the purse and gave it to her. Hilda: "I'm so sorry they did that to you." Ramona: "I can't deal with it anymore. They're so mean to me everyday. Always because I have a disability." Hilda: "They're just insecure of themselves. Don't let it get to you." Ramona: "But now all my money is gone..." Hilda: "It's okay. We will get it back I promise."

At lunch Hilda told her friends what Zara and Dylan did to Ramona. They were in shock. Hilda: "So let's eat up quickly and then report her to the principal for stealing." After they ate they headed straight for the principal's office, just in time to catch them picking on Ramona again. Hilda: "Hey! I thought I told you to leave her alone! And GIVE her the money back!" Zara: "I don't have to listen to you! Get lost!" Ivory: "No we're not going anywhere." Poppy: "Yeah, you better give her back the money you stole or ELSE-" Tyrone: "Ramona? Zara? What's going on?" Ivory whispers to Hilda: "Wait...he knows that girl?" Hilda: "I have no idea." Tyrone: "Ramona, what's up? Why are you crying?" Ramona: "They've been bullying me all day. She stole my money out of my purse." Tyrone: "Zara, you did what?" Zara: "Oh no, it's not what it looks like." Tyrone: "I can't believe you would do that!" Zara: "No no no, you've got it all wrong." Tyrone: "Save it! You threatened to do all this stuff if I didn't agree to date you, but you still did this anyways! Give my sister her money back NOW, or else we are over." With everyone circled around Zara and Dylan, Zara had no choice but to give in. Zara: "Ugh, fine! Here you go." Tyrone: "Thank you! Now, Zara, get lost, because we are done." Zara: "What? You said we'd be done if I didn't give it back, but I gave it back!" Tyrone: "Ha! Just like you said you'd do all this if I didn't date you, but I did and you still did it. I guess it hurts being lied to now doesn't it?" Everyone around them clapped except for Dylan. Zara: "Ugh, whatever!" Tyrone: "Oh and Zara, one more thing...if you try to steal from us again or harass my sister again I will call the cops, and we now have a camera installed outside our house." Zara: "Oh, whatever!" She and Dylan stormed away. Hilda: "Wow...I didn't know Ramona was your sister." Tyrone: "Yup, she is...the best sister in the world for that matter. Look, Hilda, I'm really sorry for everything. I know you still need time to trust me, but I hope we can fix this." Hilda: "I'll think about it. I'll see you around, Tyrone."

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