Uncomfortable Ring Finger

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A/N: Enjoy!


Gulf woke up with a moan, took a long good look around the room through hazy eyes, collapsed back down against the pillows and feel bitter about himself for being such a fucking cliché. His movements did seemingly stir his bed companion, who moved and stretched before resolving his arms around Gulf, sniffing into his hair in a way which would have been loveable had Gulf not currently been involved in a silent, internal fretting.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

This couldn't have happened. These things didn't happen to him. These things didn't really happen in real life, did they?

Gulf knew that going to Macau was a bad idea. He hadn't been concerned for his own sake, though, but for Jeed who had dragged him along to the fabled city of gambling to get mortared, waste money and fuck strangers to forget about the boyfriend she had had for years and come home one day to find in bed with another. Gulf had spent the weekend controlling Jeed's alcohol consumption and making sure she didn't do anything she would really regret - like calling said boyfriend and ask him to take her back.

Maybe he should have been more concerned about keeping himself in check.

Last night had been good, as far as his body was concerned. Except maybe for his head. He was pleasurably sore and his muscles ached in the way they only did after spectacular sex. And the man presently wrapped around him felt like he was made up of nothing but improbable muscle and warm skin, so Gulf was pretty sure that last night had been wonderful, sex-wise. It was the other parts of his fuzzy memory that troubled him. That and the unfamiliar weight of something around his left ring finger.

He was so completely and absolutely fucked. And Jeed would never let him hear the end of this.

"Um," he said, trying to wiggle out of the tight embrace. The guy nipped his neck and Gulf moaned gently as the pain budded. He sighed. He must have a enormous hickey on his neck or something.

"Could you let go?" he tried.

A sound that might have been "no" or simply a muffled noise was mumbled into his neck.


The man huffed before rolling over onto his back, bringing Gulf with him until Gulf was on top of him.

Well, at least it seemed like they had learned to compromise.


"You can't be serious, right?" Gulf thought. "Your name is Mew and you're awesome in bed. That establishes about everything that I know about you. That is not a good foundation for a marriage! How can you even suggest we attempt this? That's foolish, it's..."

"How many serious relationships have you been in?" Mew asked coolly from where he was lazing on the bed while Gulf paced around the extravagantly adorned hotel room.

"Three." Gulf said. "Not that it fucking matters, because..."

"Why didn't you marry any of them?"

"How do you know I didn't?" he hissed, Mew's composure making him even more restless.

Mew just waited wordlessly for him to response.

"I never wanted to," he said, swallowing. "What does it matter?"

"You think I'm amazing in bed. Better than the others?"

It sounded pondering rather than arrogant, so Gulf answered the question without thinking about it. "Yeah."

"So..." Mew said, "I'm the best one you've had, and you actually wanted to marry me. That's a better foundation for a good marriage than a serious relationship that leads nowhere, if you ask me."

"Why do you even want to stay married to me?" Gulf asked, in disbelief.

"You're awesome in bed and I apparently wanted to marry you. Also, from what I've seen so far, I like you." He smirked, wolfishly.

"This is ridiculous." Gulf said, still walking back and forth. When he came within range of the bed, Mew caught his arm and pulled him down next to him. His lips were soft against Gulf's, and Gulf let one hand run down his torso, despite himself, sighing in contentment.

"We can always get a divorce later." Mew said, a while later. "No harm done."

Gulf didn't really agree, mostly because Mew was a very good distraction.

When Mew pushed inside him and stilled, looking down at him with those earnest, brown eyes blown with lust as his cock filled Gulf, the stretch and burn and the fullness of it nothing short of unbelievable, and said, "I want you to meet my family." Gulf replied with a breathless "Yes." and surged up to kiss him.

*** to be continued ***

There are words in our vernacular that when you say it means only one thing, it means love.

Palangga, pangga, langga, gang, langging; these words means love.

And my co workers said I have been using that too much that the meaning is looked over. Since I have been using "gang" to call my fellow employees as an endearment. It's a casual endearment/platonic love, you can use that for all sex and gender.

Why am I telling you all this, I don't know really. Hahaha. But a quick share...

So how was the first chapter? I hope you like it. 😊😚 🥰


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