Real This Time

905 91 4

Would it be a sin if I ask today to be a Saturday? Hahaha

Enjoy love!


Gulf Jongcheveevat. The name, his official new name, had been running through his head since the moment he said the words "I do" earlier that day again. Gulf Jongcheveevat. Husband of Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat. Though they have been married for two years now, but this is the long awaited formal and most sane wedding Gulf's ever dreamt of.

Gulf couldn't stop smiling, nor did he ever want to. Gulf looked around the room, glancing at the faces of their guests. Though he doesn't have any family member present in this wedding, he didn't feel incomplete since Mew's family had been his family from the start. He looked at his family laughing, no doubt swapping embarrassing stories about him and his husband. Husband. The word made shivers run down his spine. Mew was his forever now. Speaking of Mew, Gulf thought, where is he? He surveyed the room in search of his curly-haired husband, but didn't see him anywhere. Gulf shrugged, maybe Mew went outside for some air. Just then, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist and he was pulled backwards, his back falling against the contours of a hard chest. As the man leaned his head down to whisper in Gulf's ear, a few curls tickled his cheek. Mew. His.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, Mr. Jongcheveevat," Mew stated quietly. Gulf shivered happily at the sound of his new title. "It's almost time for the first dance, babe. We better head over to the dance floor." Gulf nodded in agreement and spun around in his husband's arms to place a soft kiss on his waiting lips, then grabbed Mew's hand and pulled him to the edge of the dance floor.

"Can we have our newlyweds come on to the floor? It's time for the first dance of the night, their first dance as a married couple!" the emcee yelled through the microphone.

"That's our cue baby." Gulf whispered to his excited husband, who then pulled him by his hand out onto the dance floor while everyone clapped. Once they were out on the floor, Mew grinned at Gulf and pulled him into his arms. Gulf smiled back as the familiar melody began to waft through the speakers. California Stars by Billy Brag and Wico, their song.

I'd like to rest my heavy head tonightOn a bed of California starsI'd like to lay my weary bones tonightOn a bed of California starsI'd love to feel your hand touching mineAnd tell me why I must keep working onYes, I'd give my life to lay my head tonightOn a bed of California stars

Mew gazed into Gulf's eyes and quietly crooned him with the lyrics they both knew by heart while they leisurely danced across the floor. Mew stroked his husband's face softly as the song lapsed into the chorus. The couple did a slow turn while staring into each other's eyes,

I'd like to dream my troubles all away
On a bed of California stars
Jump up from my starbed and make another day
Underneath my California stars

Mew continuing his quiet singing. Gulf moved his arms from Mew's shoulders to around his neck and pulled himself closer to his husband. Gulf leaned his forehead against Mew's as they swayed to the song. Mew gazed deeply into Gulf's eyes, annunciating every word he sang, each syllable ringing true in their ears, Gulf becoming emotional with love and admiration and the tears began to collect and fill his waterline.

I'd love to feel your hand touching mine
And tell me why I must keep working on
Yes, I'd give my life to lay my head tonight
On a bed of California stars

Mew paused his singing and softly kissed away Gulf's tears as they began to slowly fall. Gulf leaned his head against Mew's shoulder as his husband sang gently in his ear while they swayed bit by bit in place, giving up on actual dancing.

They hang like grapes on vines that shine
And warm a lover's glass like a friendly wine
So, I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California stars

Gulf leaned closer to Mew, who in turn tightened his long arms around Gulf's frame. Suddenly needing to see his husband's perfect face, Gulf lift his head up from Mew's shoulder and gazes into his eyes lovingly while Mew raises a hand from Gulf's waist to his cheek, thumb brushing softly along his cheekbone. Mew slowly leaned in and kissed his husband softly and ardently as the song came to a close, who in turn kissed back with equal emotion.

So, I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California stars

The clapping of the guests pulled the pair out of their love-induced trance and reminded them of their surroundings. Gulf jumped a tad and pulled away, having forgotten that other people besides him and his husband existed for a moment. Mew laughed at his Gulf and then pulled the pouting man back into his arms.

"Je t'aime," Mew whispered to his love.

" Je t'aime aussi, mon amour" Gulf replied, "And I will never stop."

*** to be continued ***

I know I didn't go into great details of their wedding. But I love their dance. Hahahaha

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Stay safe and take care

ren 💙

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