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"Everyone to the dining hall now please," Jarvis spoke

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"Everyone to the dining hall now please," Jarvis spoke. Raven, Wanda, Phoenix, Peter and Banner were already seated with their food waiting on everyone else.

"Phoenix how was school today?" Peter asked with a smile.

"I had a test today, I think I did well!" He smiled back looking at his mom for approval, she smiled back and scruffed his dark brown hair.

"Hey guys!" Clint exclaimed walking into the room, Bucky, Steve and the others behind him.

"Tony can I speak to you for a moment?" Tony nodded as Rave stood up and pulled him away to another room.

"You're sure this whole thing will work? I told Phoenix already, he needed to know." Raven asked with a great concern in her voice, her long silver hair flowing around her face hiding her emotions.

"It will work Rave, it will work," He assured giving Raven a small hug before walking back into the dining hall with everyone else. Their laughing and chatter filled the air, but Raven couldn't move.

"Is Raven gonna come back?" Sam asked shovelling food into his mouth.

"Give her some time. If she doesn't come back then Ill stay with P-h-o-e-n-i-x," Bucky laughed as to not worry the boy sitting next to him.

"You just spelt out my name, Buck, I know how to spell!" Phoenix laughed giving Bucky a funny look.

"You're getting smart there kiddo," He laughed in reply. Raven still hadn't come back she was sitting against the wall on the floor smoking a cigarette to calm her nerves, if not working.

"I need you back," her voice trembling, her body had run cold for the first time in forever. If this didn't work she would lose herself forever.

"Momma?" Phoenix asked from around the corner.

"Hi Bug, sorry I was taking so long, what's up?" She asked hiding how bed she really felt, she didn't want to worry Phoenix but it was too late for that. He was smart, he could tell, everyone could.

"Uncle Tony and Dr Bruce wanna see you, can I come?" He asked, Raven opened her arms to hug the boy.

"Let me just talk to them first, okay Bug?" He nodded and followed his mom back into the dining hall.

"We're ready to start tonight but if you two want to wait till tomorrow we can," Bruce informed watching Wanda and Raven contemplate what to do.

"I'm ready if you are," Wanda said, her accent growing a bit thicker with every word.

"Then tonight it is,"


"Bug this is the part you can't see, but if you need me at any point, use Jarvis or call for Auntie Nat, alright buddy?" Phoenix nodded in response running off toward Nat.

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