Chapter 3

645 34 7

TW: swearing

I woke up and lifted up the blanket that, of course, was still heavy. I made the bed and went to the dresser, picking out clothes and changing into them. I opened the door and the smell of food entered my nose. I smiled and walked downstairs, seeing Sapnap in a different outfit but the same jewelry as yesterday which was just some random rings and the necklace.

"Ah Dream! There you are, come I made breakfast." Sapnap said, motioning to a chair that was already pulled out. I walked over to the chair and sat down "Uhm hey Sapnap I had a question." I said, Sapnap hummed and looked at me with a raised eyebrow "Um I wanted to know why the blanket I used was weighed down. I mean I didn't mind it! I was comfortable, that's all." Sapnap chuckled as he made my plate "That's called a weighted blanket, it's supposed to keep you not moving in your sleep. I nodded and grabbed the plate that Sapnap was holding out for me.

I thanked him and looked at the plate "What's this today." I asked Sapnap, he giggled and pointed to each one. "That one is bacon, this one is eggs, this is a pancake, and finally this is toast. Just a normal English breakfast." I nodded and tried each one, each being amazing, which is exactly what I expected. I finished before Sapnap and waited for him to finish, he soon finished after me and I grabbed his plate and silverware, doing the same for myself "Uh Dream, what are you doing?" Sapnap questioned "I'm going to wash dishes!" I exclaim with a smile. Sapnap chuckle "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Sapnap asked with a smile.

I nodded and Sapnap sighed, standing up "Okay, pleasseee don't burn my house down." Sapnap said, I laughed "I won't." Sapnap smiled and waved me off "By the way after you're done come to the practice room, we gotta get this spell down!" Sapnap yelled "Okay!" I said back going to the kitchen and turning on the water, washing the plate with soap and water. After I finished washing the dishes I walked to the room, seeing Sapnap all ready and waiting for me "Oh Dream! Let's start." Sapnap said, I nodded and we started trying to do the spell.

After a little bit of trying I finally felt something different swift in me and I heard Sapnap gasp "HOLY FUCK! YOU DID IT DREAM!" Sapnap exclaimed with a beaming smile. Sapnap quickly pointed the full-body mirror towards me, I looked in it and I looked completely different. My horns were gone making my hair a bit more messed up and curled.

My markings were also gone, showing my freckles way better to find than before, my usually bright green eyes turned a bit darker and basically it was weird to be like this "How do you feel?" Sapnap asked with a smile "Great! It's a little different though..." I said, Sapnap chuckled "Of course it is! You're used to being a demon, not a human. Oh and by the way, you're definitely a fast learner! I expected this to be a long time but it only took a day." I smiled brightly and looked back at the mirror.

"So... what happens now?" I question, looking back to Sapnap. Sapnap smiled, "School of course." Sapnap said, I tilted my head "School?" Sapnap laughed lightly, "It's where you go to learn things, also make friends." I nodded and looked back at the mirror again "Huh... school. When do we go?" I questioned "Tomorrow!" Sapnap exclaimed, I nodded and yawned. "Dream, let's go get sleep, you gotta wake up early tomorrow for school. I'll make a quick dinner, how about pick-up? I can order pizza." I nodded and Sapnap grabbed his phone, calling what was called a 'pizza place.'

Sapnap ordered the pizza and we waited for a bit, after a little bit the doorbell hung, Sapnap grabbed his wallet "I'll be back okay?" I nodded and Sapnap smiled, walking to the door and opening it "Hi are you Sap-" Sapnap closed the door before I could hear more and I waited, looking around and still looking at my body, still surprised that it worked. After a few minutes Sapnap came back in the house with the most wonderfulness smelling food I have smelled since I have been in the human world. Sapnap laughed and placed down the pizza box and sat down "Don't cream yourself. It's just pizz- oh my god you've never had pizza, have you?" Sapnap asked with a shocked face. I shook my head and Sapnap gasped "Fuck, the Abyssal Plains must suck... you can have first slice since you've never tried it."

I nodded and opened the box, grabbing a piece of the trigonal shaped food. It had cheese, of course. I knew what cheese was since we had it in the Abyssal and some red circular looking meat. I placed the piece of pizza onto my plate and walked back over to my seat, sitting down and taking a bite of the pizza. My eyes widened as the food melted into my mouth, I basically inhaled the rest of it, feeling super satisfied. Sapnap laughed loudly "Damn you stuffed that in your throat." Sapnap said. I chuckled and looked at the box "Can I have another?" Sapnap nodded and I grabbed another slice. I ate it more calmly this time but god it was so good.

Me and Sapnap finished eating and we waved each other off, saying goodnight. I picked out a new pair of clothes and set them up on the dress and grabbed a towel, heading into the bathroom and doing what I did the night before, getting undressed, turning the knobs for the water to come, etc. I finished and turned the knobs, the water setting off. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist, making sure it was secured. I walked out of the bathroom and walked back to my room.

I dried myself off and changed into the clothes I picked out, I threw the towel into the laundry bin. I set out an outfit for tomorrow's school day and I flipped the switch to turn the lights off, making the room dark. I heard Sapnap saying something about a device called 'led lights' and he said he wants to get me some for this room. He also mentioned a device called a 'phone' and said he was gonna give me a spare one he has for tomorrow since we have to go to school. I walked to the bed and lifted up the covers, of course the covers being heavy, and slid under them, getting comfortable, closing my eyes ready to go to sleep for school the next day.


Word count: 1,153

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