~Chapter 5~

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"Did you forget what I said? I told her that if she ever hurts you again, then I will kill her." "She didn't hurt me physically though!" I say, grabbing his arm trying to stop him. "Here, hold this." He hands me a ziplock bag, and inside are Rachel's crusty panties. "Eww! Why are you giving these to me?!" "Well I don't want to hold them!" While we argue about the panties, Rachel just happens to walk in. "Hi Bakubabe!" She says as she rests her arm on his shoulder. He shoves her off, and it makes everyone in the room look at us. "Don't fucking touch me!"

"Yeah, and you dropped these crusty undies, here ya go!" I say opening the bag and letting them fall out onto her. "What? Ahaha these aren't mine!" "Then whose else's would they be?" I ask getting closer to her. "Yours of course! I bet you have never even washed your vagina before! And that is pretty bad considering you sleep with random people all the time." Katsuki slaps her. "Did you just hit me?!" She asks shocked, holding her cheek. "Obviously! And I'll do it again if you don't shut the fuck up!" "Katsuki." I tug at his sleeve and he calms down a bit. "I am breaking up with you!" She says as she starts fake crying. "WE WERE NEVER TOGETHER!" Rachel runs out of the common room and everyone goes back to what they were doing.

"Eww, she left the panties on the floor." I go to throw them out but Izuku comes and he picks them up. He puts them up to his nose and he inhales deeply, taking in the scent "What the fuck?!" "FUCK OFF, DEKU!" Izuku runs out the same way Rachel left. "See? I told you that there is something wrong with Deku." "No, you only said he is a stalker and that he isn't very nice." "THATS THE SAME FUCKING THING!" (I WAS RUNNING AROUND MY HOUSE WHILE TYPING THAT LAST PART AND I STUBBED MY TOE ON THE CORNER OF THE TV TABLE AND MY TOE WENT BACKWARDS AND CRACKED (;'ٹ'). )

"So where the fuck were you yesterday? Did you not leave your room or leave without me noticing?" "I slept all of yesterday, so I didn't need to leave." "I'm not surprised, Deku has been going into your room in the middle of the night for the past couple days, you should get a lock on your window." I nod. "I'll think about it." "Are you stupid? Whats there to think about? You want him going into your room again in the middle of the night?!" I shake my head. "Then get a fucking lock on it." All of a sudden, my phone starts ringing. It is of course my dad again. I reject the call, but then he calls back right away.

"Hello?" "I HIRED A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR TO LOOK FOR YOU, NOW IS YOUR FINAL CHANCE TO TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE OR ELSE I WILL END YOUR FUCKING LIFE WHEN I GET THERE!" "You always say that but you never actually do it." DONT TEST ME YOU LITTLE BIT-" I hang up the phone before he finishes. "The fuck is going on with you? Why is your dad looking for you?" "I ran away from home, and I applied here without him knowing. I wasn't ever allowed to leave, so when he found out he was furious. I wasn't planning to go back, but now it looks like I am being forced to..."

I start to walk away to go outside, but he grabs my wrist. "He said he has a private investigator, right?" I nod, and close the door again. "Then stay inside as much as possible. Power off your phone and take out the chip so that they can't track you. I will put up curtains in your window so that they can't see which room you are in. When you applied here, did you give your real name or a fake one?" Damn, it really seems like he cares. "I gave the school a fake one." "Okay good, now it should be harder for them to track you then. Not that I give a shit or anything..." And the asshole is back. "Hmph." I cross my arms and walk back up to my dorm room.

I feel him follow close behind me. I can almost feel his breath on my neck. It sends a shiver down my spine, but also kinda gives me butterflies. Ugh, stop it y/n! This is ridiculous. He busts open my door, and we walk inside. "Do you have any curtains?" He asks as he looks up at the rail above the window, yes, but... I was embarrassed to put them up." "Why- pfft." He chuckles when I show him my curtains covered in poop emojis. "Why the fuck do you even have these?" "I knew that I would probably need curtains here, but when I was at the store, these were the last ones the had..." "Really sucks to be you right now." I stop and I laugh. "At least I am not Rachel!" "Holy shit I forgot about her, she is probably getting fucked by Deku."  Him and I both laugh together. He is so cute when he laughs.

After he puts up my curtains, he picks up my phone and takes out the SD card. "Do you have money to buy a new phone?" "Of course, I actually stole a bunch of money from my dad before I left." I go to my dresser and take out a bag. I show him the handfuls of cash. "What the fuck? No wonder your dad wants to kill you." "Actually..." I hesitate and decide to not say anything. "Nevermind." He looks at me confused, but he doesn't say any more about it again. "Let's go buy you a new phone then." He says walking back out of my room. I put some of the cash into my purse and I quickly follow behind him, closing my door behind me.

Just before we are about to go down the stairs, we hear grunting coming from Rachel's dorm room. Katsuki and I both peak through the gap in the door. Rachel is shoving anal beads up Izuku's ass, back and forth. "You like that baby boy?" She says smirking. "Ughhahhhhhh~ yes mommy~" I quickly cover my mouth to prevent any noises or laughs to come out, and I continue to go down the stairs. I turn back to look at Katsuki, he has a grossed out face with pursed lips. I finally burst out laughing and he gets angry at me. "Shut up dumbass, let's just go." Just before we get to the doors to leave, he forces me to put on his hoodie and he lifts the hood over my head. "You should hide your face... just in case." I feel a blush form on my cheeks, and I avert my eyes way from his. He opens the door and we both leave the school.

[End of Chapter 5]

Anal beads..... I remember an old woman wearing them as a necklace in a movie I saw once, I forget the name though.

Aight, I hope this chapter was cringy enough for y'all! On to the next chapter ! UwU ?

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