~Chapter 6~

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  ~Y/N POV~

"Oou this one is cute!" I say showing Katsuki a phone case with Hello Kitty on it. "Why not get this one? It matches your curtains." He shows me one with poop emojis all over it. "Not funny." He chuckles as he puts it back. "I'm just going to get the Hello Kitty one." I go to the checkout and pay it. After we leave, I put the phone case onto my new phone. "It's so pretty!" I jump up and down excitedly. "You hungry? It is getting pretty late." Katsuki asks, facing away from me. I hadn't eaten at all today, so I figure it is okay it if I eat something now. "Yeah, a little bit."

We arrive in front of a ramen shop. When we walk inside, the smell hits my noise and I hear my stomach growl. We sit down at a table and we both look at the menu. I guess I'll just get spicy noodles. "Hello! Welcome to (name of ramen shop)! What would you like to order?" She puts ice water down in front of us. "I'll have spicy noodles please!" I say handing her my menu. "I'll have the same." Katsuki says, handing her his menu. "Alrighty! Your food should be ready in 10 minutes!" The waitress walks away cheerfully.

"You like spicy noodles too?" I ask, surprised. "I like spicy food, most people do." Really? Is that true? "Ohh..." We sit in silence as we wait for our noodles to come. I pull out my phone, and explore it. I change my wallpaper and stuff. Out of nowhere, Katsuki takes my phone from me. "Oi! What are you doing?" I say trying to get it back. "I'm putting my number in it, dumbass." He says as he slides the phone back to me. "You could have asked nicely!" I pick up my phone and I take a picture of him. "Hey! What the fuck?!" "I need it to set as your contact photo!" A few seconds later, he takes a picture of me. I gasp, horrified. "How dare you?!" "I need it to set as your contact photo."

Before we know it, the waitress puts our noodle bowls in front of us. "Thank you!" I start eating my noodles, but then gasp when I accidentally burn my tongue. "Ow!" I put my spoon down and cover my mouth with my hands. I look at Katsuki and he is shoving it all down his throat. "How are you not burning yourself?!" He shrugs as he continues eating. I feel the outside of his bowl and I can tell it is as hot as mine is. Weirdo. I stir my noodles, hoping they will cool down quickly. Katsuki takes ice out of his water cup and he puts it into my bowl. "Why didn't I think about that?! Damn I am stupid... thank you, Katsuki.."

We finish eating our noodles, then the waitress comes and takes our bowls. She leaves the receipt, and just as I am about to pick it up, Katsuki does. He takes out his wallet and he pays. "You don't need to do that! I can pay for us-" "It's not expensive, just chill out." He stands up and I stand up with him. "Thank you, Katsuki." I give him my goofy smile and he smirks. Why is he so hot? Why?!? He walks past me and holds the door open for me. Wait- am I dreaming again?! Why is he being so nice? This is weird.

Him and I walk back to the school together. By the time we do get back, the common room is empty. We walk up stairs to our room. We past by Rachel's, and her door is still open a bit. Izuku is curled up like a baby, snuggling into her. Almost cute.. Once we get to my room, Katsuki opens my door for me. I walk in, and he stays in my doorway. "Thank you for taking me out today, I had fun." We subconsciously walk closer to eachother. We are close enough that I can feel his breath against my skin. He lifts his hand up, and he caresses my cheek with his thumb. OH MY GOODNESS, IS HE GOING TO KISS ME?! I feel my cheeks heat up. He smirks then he backs up. "Goodnight, dumbass"

He goes into his dorm room and closes the door. Whyyyyy! I close my door and I collapse on my bed. I am going to end up falling in love with that angry dog. I feel my clothes and realize I am still wearing his hoodie. Oh! I forgot to give this back to him! I quickly take it off but then I notice it smells like him. Oh. My. Goodness. Okay, I need to control myself before I do sinful things to his hoodie. I go to fold it up but I inhale it deeply. I probably look like such a creep right now. I put his hoodie down for a second while I change into my pajamas. (Basically just an oversized t-shirt.)

I crawl into bed, and I cuddle up with the hoodie, imagining that I am cuddling with him. Wait! What am I doing?! Nooo I can't do this. I get up again and put his hoodie on my dresser. I can't let myself feel anything for him, I cannot get my hopes up. I go to lay down again, but then I stop. I guess it wouldn't hurt to do it for only one night. I pick up his hoodie, and I cuddle with it again. I end up failing asleep quickly, and dream about flying flip flops covered in peanut butter.

~Time Skip Bakugo POV~

It is 9am, and I am sitting in my room, just playing on my phone. All of a sudden I hear a thump coming from y/n's room. I assume that was a signal for me to open her door, so I leave my room, and head to hers. I open her door, but she isn't awake. She is lying on the floor, curled up into my hoodie. Her t-shirt is raised up, leaving most of her back, and her f/c polka dot panties exposed. I advert my eyes from her ass. I realize that the thud was probably her falling off her bed. I carefully pick her up, trying not to wake her.

Just as I am about to lay her back down on her bed, she pulls me closer to her. "Mmm.. Katsuki..." She knows I am here? Or... is she just dreaming about me? She hugs me even tighter, making me want to just climb into the bed with her. But I know that when she does wake up, she'd probably freak out. I force her arms to let me go. She whimpers, making me feel bad. I pick my hoodie up from off the floor and I give it to her. She curls up with it again and she smiles cutely. I can't help but smile too. I lean down and kiss her forehead. I head back towards her door, and close it quietly.

[End of Chapter 6]

Is it normal for pimple puss to smell like bread yeast?

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