Chapter 4

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Pretty much Caculus dragged in and on and so did Home Economics and Language Arts. By lunch I was ready to pass out. I sat down at our table with Leshawna to my right and Duncan to my left. Also at our table was Bridgette and Geoff but they are always making out. Duncan and I usually tease them, but not today. I sit and pick at my salad, not bothering to look up at the rest of my friends.

"Yo doll face, why the long face?" Duncan said to me.
"Nothing important." I say and he nudges me. I look up and he smiles.
"You don't look ok."
"I'm fine."
"You know saying 'I'm fine' is the biggest lie you could ever tell." He talks quietly to me and I sigh. He's right, he's usually right.
"I don't know if I could spy in Courtney for you." I partly lie. I mean I didn't think I could do it, with Courtney not really liking me and all.
"Hey it's ok if you can't do it." He begins "To be honest I wasn't that comfortable of you doing it either." He finished. I smiled and he smiles back. We kinda stay and blush there for a couple minutes. He leans in closer to me and I blush super hard. I can feel his body heat and just when I think he's going to kiss me, Leshawna rudely interrupts.

"Yo what are you two love birds whispering about?" She asks.
"Probably on horror movies or something pointless." Geoff jokes around, but we know he likes them as much as Duncan and I do.
"Nah bra, just making small talk." Duncan says but he didn't look at him and kept his eyes on me. He gave a small smile and I gazed in his eyes. His light sky blue eyes. We keep talking for the rest of lunch, and it's like the world has disappeared from us, escaping reality.

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