Chapter 10

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Never in my life have I seen Duncan nervous. Anxious? Yes. Panicking? Yes. Worried? Sometimes, but this was full blown out nervous.

"What if they find out Gwen?" He says and rests his hand in my thigh.

"Find out about what?"

"Our kiss, Tyler is bad with secrets." Duncan states and I begin to worry as well. Tyler was terrible at secrets, it's why the school gossipers always went after him.

"I honestly don't know, but don't worry, they'll be to focused on another thing." I respond.


"Your break up with Courtney." I shot back and he nods to himself.

"God today will be a nightmare, I'll tell you that."

"Nightmares are only dreams that you don't want to see." I respond and he chuckles.

"Alright, we're getting too serious with these quotes now." He says and we pull up to school.

Honestly it didn't look so bad at first. I got out of the car and ran from everybody, correction, more like speed walked. I don't run. I find the safety of Bridgette and Leshawna, and greet them normally. Soon I hear shouting.

"DUNCAN!" The female voice yells and I know it's Courtney. I turn around to see how this will end.

"Yes Courtney?" He asks.

"The call last night. Why did you break up with me?" She demands and he sharply inhales, rubbing his hand through his hair. He's struggling to find a good excuse that won't socially kill both of us.

"You wanna know why? Because I was tired. I was tired of you constantly pointing out when I mess up, I have parents for that. Your constantly trying to control my life, manage my daily activities, and pick out my friends. I was tired, and then I dumped you, and I've never felt so much more relieved." He answered and stormed off to me.

As soon as he reached me, I couldn't believe it. He actually told Courtney Adams off, nobody has ever done that (Also because no ones had the courage to).

"You are a complete idiot." I say to him when he reaches me.

"I'd only be an idiot if I didn't love you." He respond and grabs my chin with one hand, and pulls me in with the other. I want o kiss him, terribly I do, but I realize where I am right now.

If they ever found out, Id be outcasted, it would be like someone got murdered. Questions and questions, and I would be looked down upon. That's why this love is so dangerous, if it was discovered, it would case an earthquake, one with 500 aftershocks.

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